Chapter 12.

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Nefertiti's POV.

as I was walking, looking for Tamara, and Greg, then I saw the beans, so I grabbed them, then I was getting shot at, so I got cover, and pull my gun out, and pointed at Tamara, and she puts hers down, so does Greg.

"You know, we're going to take you to neverland after your kids, and Regina save Storybrooke. Pan needs your heart to save himself and Neverland. So, give us those beans, and we'll give you one of them, to get neverland on your own. You can be a hero, to everyone excluding, Paul and your guy's kids." Tamara said as I look at the beans, then I gave them to her and she gave me one of them, then I use it, and we jump into it, and we're now in neverland.

"Welcome to Neverland, Nefertiti. My little Lamb, I've have missed you so much." Father/Pan said as I smile and hugged him and he returns the gesture.

"I missed you too, Papa." I said as he smiles and takes me to Skull Rock, and he asks if I know what I have to do, and I nod, then he shows me another heart, that I'll have in my chest. It was glowing white.

"This, will make you holy. I kept this, for you, so you can have a fresh start without your Husband and your kids, you can have a fresh start with me. Your Papa." Father/Pan said as I smiled, then I saw my actual twin brother Rumple standing there.

"Hello, laddie. Oh, I see you've come bearing gifts." Papa/Pan said Rumple as he was looking at me.

"Sis, you would really do that to your husband and your and his kids. They still need you in their lives." Rumple said as I glared at him.

"Sorry, Brother. But I'm starting fresh with Papa." I said as I put him in pandora's box.

"It's time, my little lamb. Time to save magic, to save Neverland. And to start fresh with Your Papa." Papa/Pan said as I nod.

"What do I have to do, Papa?" I asked as I knew what I had to do, but I just wanted to make sure.

"You must give me your heart, Nefertiti. . . The heart of the truest believer." Papa said as I nod.

"But... what will happen to me?" I asked as he places his hand on my shoulder.

"You'll start fresh with me, you do want that, don't you?" Papa asked as I nod.

"Of course, I do. But you do know that all magic comes with a price, Papa." I said as he nods.

"Of course, I do know that my little lamb. But Saving it must come with a price, too. I would never lie to you, Nefertiti. I mean, you're right. There is a price. You have to stay here on the island with me. Neverland will become your new home. I know it's a huge sacrifice, but isn't it worth it?" Papa said as I was thinking about it.

"Heroes have to make sacrifices all the time. You taught me that." I said as he smiles and nods.

"That I did. And I've always been proud of you. Now are you ready?" Papa asked as I nod.

"Yes, I'm ready." I said as he smiles.

"Then let me help you." Papa said as he makes my hand glow then I take my heart out of my chest.

"Nefertiti, Wait! Whatever Pan's telling you to do, don't do it." Neal said as I was shocked.

"Balefire? You're alive?" I said as I was shocked.

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