Chapter 7.

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(Nefertiti's POV)

– [Fairy Tale Land – Present]–

(In 'the pit', Ella is still unconscious so is Paul because he fell asleep. Cora tends to them both, while Emma, Axle, and I watch.)

"You sure they both are going to be, okay?" I asked as I'm getting worried for them.

"Don't worry. They'll be fine." Mother tells me as I nod with a smiled.

"What is this place? Where are we?" Emma asked as I was thinking the same thing.

"It's what left of the Enchanted Forest. Or that's what I think it is." I said as I was confused.

"It's a little island our captors like to think of as their haven." Mother tells us as I look at Emma and Axle, and they quietly told me that they were thinking of the same thing.

"Haven? From what?" Axle asked as I wanted answers.

"The world's dangerous. What's left of it, anyway." Mother reply as I nod.

"Well, they can't keep us down here. We didn't do anything wrong." Emma said as I knew she was right, about her and others not doing anything wrong, but me, I did something wrong.

"Neither did I." Mother said as she did have a point.

"Then why are you here?" Axle asked as I knew it was time to tell them.

"I'm here because of something my daughter did. The curse that ravaged this land? She cast it." Mother said glancing my way.

"Mother, Cora's your mother?" Axle asked as I nod.

"She's also Regina Mother. Along with my Twin Sister Zelina. But all I know is, Zelina is in OZ, and she's the wicked witch." I explain to Axle and Emma, as mother smiled.

"Yes. But you have nothing to fear from me. The apple fell very far from the tree. You're from over there, aren't you? How'd you get back?" Mother asked as I walked over to her.

"A wraith brought us here through a portal, that's how we got back here." I tell her as she nods, and Paul, and Ella awaken and sees us talking.

"Baby. No..." Paul said as he was shocked to see my mother there.

"Oh, Paul, you're awake. I'm so relieved. Along with Ella." Mother said as I smiled, and Paul takes me aside.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked.

"As bad as you think Regina is, this woman is worse." Paul tells me as I roll my eyes.

"I agree with Dad, mother." Ella said as I roll my eyes again.

"Oh, Nefertiti. Sweet Nefertiti. Please... Believe me. Whatever Regina told you isn't true. I just want to help you, my daughter." mother said as I smiled at her.

"What does she mean by "My Daughter"?" Paul asked as I look at him.

"She's mine, Regina and Zelena's Mother."  I said as Paul was shocked, so was Ella.

"That means she's..." Ella said looking at Cora with tears of joy in her eyes.

"She is your and your sibling's grandmother." I said as I smiled when I was saying that, and Ella walks up to Cora, and hugs her, and Mother hugged her back.

"Mother, you don't have your heart with you, do you?" I asked as she looked at me.

"No, I don't. It's in your vault, back in Storybrooke." Mother tells me as I nod.

"Okay, well, let's take you back with us. And I don't care what Regina or anyone else thinks." I said as Mother smiled.

"And also, I'm bringing someone else with us." Mother said as I got confused.

"Who, mother?" I asked she teleports him, where we were, and I was shocked.

"Killian Jones. Or now known as Captain Hook." Mother said as Killian winks at me, and Paul glares at him, so did Ella, Axle, and Emma.

"Hello, Love. It's been a long time." Killian said as I glared at him.

"Likewise, Jones. Now answer me this. Why do you want to go to Storybrooke?" I asked as he smirks at me.

"To get revenge on The Dark one, because he's the one who kill Milah." Killian said as I chuckled.

"I was the one who actually kill her, but I made you forget by taking your memories. And I hope that you can forgive me for that, because getting revenge on someone is never good. Because you're better than that, Killian." I said as he smirked a bit.

*Time skip*

"Time to go back, home, Like now." I said as Paul, Emma, Axle, Ella, Cora, Hook and I jump into the portal to get back to Storybrooke.

"Grandma Nefertiti?" Henry says as I looked at him and as I climb out of the well, and the others did as well.

"Henry." I said as He runs over to me and into my arms and hugs me and I hugged him back so the rest of the day, Paul and I Spent time with Emma, Henry, and the others.

(775 Words)

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