Chapter 17.

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SCENE: Boston, Land Without Magic. Past, Eighteen years ago. At Happy Cottage Children's Home, a little girl is handed a stuffed Mickey Mouse toy by her new adoptive parents. She waves good-bye to the other children before going into the couple's car to go to her new home. The woman who runs the home then begins to usher the children back inside.

"All right, everyone. Back inside. It's almost dinnertime. (Last to leave is three eleven-year-olds Emma, Ella, and Axle who continues to stare longingly as the car drives away.) Don't worry, you'll find a home too, Emma, Axle, and Ella." The Woman said before almost going inside, then another car pulls up and the car pulls up and a person is a woman got out of the car, and that woman, is their birth mother, Annabelle Stanley.

"They already have found a Home." Nefertiti said as she opens her arms up and her kids run up and hug their mother tightly and crying softly in her arms.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present day and Amelia's POV. At the Blanchard Apartment, Emma, Ella and Axle is lost in thought as their Father Paul and I are spending time with our infant daughter.

"She's beautiful like her mama." Paul said as he had our baby girl in his arms as she was sleeping in his arms.

"Stop, you're going to spoil her." I said as I giggle while blushing.

"Emma, Ella and Axle, you guys okay?" Paul asked as he look at our three eldest triple children.

"What? Oh, yeah, of course. You guys finally gonna tell us the name of our little sister? Or should we just keep on calling her "Hey there"?" Emma asked as her siblings Ella and Axle nod agreeing with her.

"Well, the thing is, there's this tradition. Back in the Enchanted Forest, whenever a new royal is born, you usually announce the name at a coronation ceremony." Paul said as I nod agreeing.

"We would have done it with you three if we could have." I said with a loving mother smile at them.

"You're not gonna hold her out in front to the clock tower and present her like Lion King, are you?" Ella asked as I smirk and tried not to laugh while Paul laughed.

"Of course not. In fact, we've decided to forego all pomp and circumstance for a nice potluck at Granny's." Paul said as I smile.

"The important thing is to mark the occasion. To remind ourselves that after all we've been through, we're still together. As a family." I said in my loving and soft mother tone as Henry and Neal entered the apartment.

"Hey, Aunt Nefertiti. found a house for you and Uncle Paul to raise the baby." Neal said as he was carrying a newspaper ad for a house and I was shocked.

"You two were looking for a house for Paul and I, so we can raise the baby?" I asked in a shocked and confused voice.

"What do you think?" Neal said handing me the paper and I look at the house and I smile.

"Yeah, Mom. What do you think?" Axle said as I smile.

"I think, that your father and I still have some time to think what to name our baby girl." I said as Paul raised one of his eyebrows and so did his and my kids and Neal and Henry as I got her into her baby carrier and and I grab her baby things and walked out of the apartment and to grannies.

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