Chapter 11.

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Amelia's POV.

"Mother, so it was you who kidnap Archie. Not Amelia, but how did you get caught?" Regina asked as the others were shock.

"It was me. Along with Help from Henry and Axle." I said as I smile and had my arm around Henry.

"Henry and Axle!" Ella said as I held my hand up to stop them from coming any closer.

"Ah, ah, ah. There's a price that you all still have to pay. And that is losing Henry, Axle, and I. Like I said before, you all brought back the Evil Queen within me. Ta-ta." I said as I magically disappeared in a puff of purple smoke, with Henry and Axle, and we got into my car, and I drove off and over the town line, and we didn't forget our memories, and went off to start our new life.


(Years later)

I was making something to eat for Axle and Henry, and myself, then I place it on the table, then there was a knock on the front door, so I went to go and answer, and it was Paul.

"Paul, what are you doing here?" I asked as he smiles at me.

"Well, where's Henry? I just came here on my own, to see you guys." Paul said as I knew he was lying.

"I know you're lying. And Henry, he's living perfectly fine with Axle and me. So yeah, goodbye." I said as he pulls me into his arms, and he kisses me and I kissed him back.

"Baby, please, come back to Storybrooke, we need your help." Paul mutter while kissing me, then he pulls away slowly as he had tears of sadness on his cheeks.

"Alright, we'll come back to Storybrooke with you. Besides, I did miss you, Paul." I said as he smile a bit, then he helped Henry, Axle, and I pack up, then we went to Storybrooke, and then when I walk in the apartment, I got punch in the face, by Ella, then she hugs Henry.

"Ow! the hell was that for?" I said as I got tissue, to make my nose stop from bleeding.

"That was for taking Henry from Regina and me, that's what." Ella said as my nose stops bleeding.

"STOP! I already lost my dad. I don't wanna lose anybody else. We have to work together." Henry said as I was confused.

"What do you mean by you lost your dad?" I asked as Emma gives me a look.

"No one has told yet have they?" Emma asked as I shook my head to side to side.

"Mom. Neal's dead. Tamara shot him. Then she and Greg used a bean to open a portal. Neal was hurt so badly that he fell through. He's gone." Axle said as I was shocked, then I fell to my knees and had my hands on my mouth and cried, and I felt Paul's arms around me, as he was hugging me tightly to comfort me.

"From the mouths of babes, I'd say the lad has a point." Killian said as Paul got up from the ground, and punches him in the face.

"That was for the last time we met." Paul said as David draws his gun.

"Bloody hell." Killian mutters as I chuckled while wiping my tears off my face.

"Tell us why you're here before I use something other than my fist." Paul said as I was rolling my eyes.

"I think threatening to kill me seems a bit redundant when we're all about to die anyway." Killian said as he did have a point on that one.

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