Chapter 35

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sorry for the late update, I'm baking cookies<3

enjoy !! 🩷


Margot turned off the fabric steamer and pushed the machine away before taking a step back to admire the dress she had just put on the headless life-sized mannequin.

The final piece in all of the collection.

It was done.

She took several steps back until she was standing in the doorway of The Closet and looked at all twenty mannequins. It was probably the smallest Paradis collection ever, but Margot thought it might have just been their best one yet.

All in various shades of light blue but the most dominating shade was that same Wisteria Blue that had become her favourite colour.

Margot let out a sigh of relief and though she had barely gotten any sleep at all in the past week, she felt more buzzing energy than ever coursing through her veins.

Everything was done.

Everything was ready.

All that was left for her to do was to somehow find a way to get Taylor to actually see this collection in person.

And defeat Harry Fitzroy in a court battle, but that, she was confident about.

They had Sarah Jones testifying. There was no way Harry could lie his way out of that one.

Margot couldn't stop herself from smiling as she took one last glance at all the items she had designed personally.

This was probably the proudest moment of her life.

Even if her plan to win Taylor back didn't work, at least she had this. Twenty outfits - more than thirty items of clothing between dresses, trousers, tops, and jackets. Sebastian was going to complete the collection by adding accessories but that wasn't urgent until the actual secret fashion show they were going to be putting on.

Margot let out a shaky breath as she turned the lights off and stepped outside, locking the doors behind her. She grabbed all of her things and met up with Joseph downstairs who was holding the door to the backseat of the car open.

"Evening, Joe! Can we make a stop before we head home?"

"Of course, ma'am," he responded, closing the door for her when she slipped in. Once he was behind the wheel, he turned around to talk to her. "Where are we going?"

"TriBeCa," Margot told him and without further explanation, he knew exactly where they had to go.

Margot rummaged through her purse when the car started moving and got a small box out, wrapped in light blue paper, holding it in her lap throughout the entire car ride.

The car rolled to a stop outside of Taylor's building and Margot stepped out right as one of the members of Taylor's security team walked over to her, immediately recognising her car.

"Miss Paradis," he greeted her, standing in front of the door. "Was Miss Swift expecting you? She's not home at the moment."

"No, no, she wasn't expecting me. I'm not staying anyway," she told him, holding out the small blue box. "Can you just make sure she gets this, though?"

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