Chapter 19

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im not gonna say much... 😈😈😈😈😈

enjoy 😈😈😈😈😈


The car came to a stop in front of the big office building while Margot was still on the phone with Taylor.

She ran her hand over Kennington's head in a pet when her driver, Joseph, turned around and gave her a nod.

"Bye Taylor!"

"Bye Maggie!"

Margot rolled her eyes as she ended the call. She didn't hate the nickname. It was what her family always called her, just as they used to call her grandmother who she was named after. But she was only used to her family using it and nicknames were a special kind of close.

She liked it when Taylor used it. She didn't want to cross to that point just yet, though.

"Joey, would you mind waiting with Kennington?" She asked her driver. "I don't plan on staying long. Not any longer than necessary, anyway."

"Not at all, miss. I'll be waiting right here," he said, taking the dog from her and letting him curl up in his lap.

"Joe, I'm not sure you're allowed to park here," she said, looking out the window at the doorman glaring at them.

"I'm not moving until you're back in the car, Miss Paradis," he told her, taking the key out of the ignition.

Margot chuckled, smiling appreciatively at him.

"You'll pay the parking ticket," she joked.


She gave his shoulder a pat before unbuckling her seatbelt as Joseph came out to open the door for her, Ken in his arms.

She gave the dog a quick kiss before shouldering her purse and letting out a heavy sigh.

"Alright, wish me luck!"

As though having understood her, the small terrier let out a bark, making her laugh.

"Good luck, miss," Joseph responded although he was glaring right back at the doorman who looked liked he wanted to give him a warning about parking. Joseph could hold his own, though.

"Thank you," she breathed out, pushing her hair behind her ears before walking into the building, back straight, chest out, chin up.

She stepped into the elevator and pressed on the level that had a plaque with Fitzroy printed in gold next to it, the only level in the entire office building that had one.

He did own the building and rented out the rest of the office spaces, but that was unimportant. It was a matter of principle. She hated that plaque.

When she stepped off the elevators, she crinkled her nose in disdain but didn't falter. She walked straight to the biggest office, ignoring the look his personal assistant gave her.

She didn't recognise her. It must have been a new secretary. She could only imagine the paperwork he must have made the old one sign when he had probably let her go after sleeping with her and probably after paying her enough money to put her grandchildren through an ivy league education and keep her quiet at the same time.

"Excuse me— sorry, ma'am, you can't go in there," the secretary said, scrambling out of her seat to stop Margot. "Ma'am— Mr. Fitzroy's in a meeting."

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