Chapter 23

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how's everyone doing today?

happy monday!



Margot and Taylor made it to their hotel suite some time after eight.

Taylor was pretty sluggish in her movements as she made her way to the bathroom first to freshen up.

"Darling, if you're too tired, we don't have to go out tonight. We can cancel our reservation," Margot told her, sitting down on the armchair in the room to take her shoes off.

Taylor stood in the doorway, stretching her arms over her head, and gave Margot a sleepy smile. "Nope. We're going out! I'm just gonna shower real quick and I'll be good to go! I feel a little sweaty."

"Okay, if you're sure!" Margot smiled back and waited until Taylor closed the ensuite door behind her before standing up and making her way to all of her luggage that their security had helped them bring up.

It was a lot of clothes which meant they had a lot of bags.

She started taking out the garment bags first to hang them up in the closet before moving on to the shoes and her toiletries which she left on the little tabletop in the room for the time being.

She picked out an outfit to wear to their dinner and laid it out on the bed. Then, she grabbed the little travel-sized steamer she brought with her (she never went anywhere without it) and took the little container to fill it up with water.

She knocked on the bathroom door and waited to hear from Taylor before opening the door. She didn't want to barge in on her.

"Yeah?" Taylor called back, shutting the water down for a second.

"Can I come in for a second? I just need to use the sink," Margot told her.

"Yeah! You don't have to ask!" Taylor shouted back before starting the shower again.

Margot walked in and stood in front of the sink to fill up the container with some water. "I wanted to respect your privacy."

Taylor poked her head out from behind the glass shower door and grinned at Margot. "I appreciate that. Do you want to come and not respect my privacy in here, though?"

Margot raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You sure? We have to leave in like... twenty minutes."

"I only need ten," Taylor bargained, grinning suggestively. "The water's really nice."

Margot wanted to argue with her. She didn't want to be late. She didn't like being late. But Taylor opened the glass doors further and Margot could see the droplets of water racing down her body and she wanted to join that race with her mouth.

What the hell!

Margot pulled the sweater over her head and started undoing the button on her pants while shaking her head. It was ridiculous how easy it was for Taylor to convince her to do just about anything. All she had to do was stand there and look pretty and she always looked pretty. It certainly didn't help that she was naked.

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