Chapter 28

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hey everyone! just a heads up to let you know that tomorrow's update is going to be quite late since i'm going to be travelling.

in other news, last night's swiftogeddon was hella fun altho i wanted to scream sing WCS, i had to leave before the end bc trains > ubering home so i dont know if they did play it 😔 sad BUT shouting ATW in a room full off swifties??? so cathartic (tbf it was much more cathartic live with taylor but u know, after my exams, i needed this 🙏 )

anyway, how are you guys hanging? how are your exams? are you drinking enough water? DRINK WATER RIGHT NOW. TAKE A SIP. NO CHAPTER FOR YOU IF YOU DONT DRINK WATER.

did you have water?


no chapter!





... You may proceed...

but if i find out you're lying, there will be severe consequences...

that is a warning...



love, lou<3


Margot rolled out of bed to her phone ringing. She had already been awake for a while but she couldn't get herself to get out of bed.

It was the day of the deposition. She was going to be sitting across a table from the woman she had found in bed with her husband almost two years ago. She had not seen her since and she was not looking forward to those horrible, disgusting images violating her thoughts again for the rest of the day. Probably even longer.

First thing in the morning, she had to be at Hart & Lloyd. Well, she didn't have to be but William thought it might work in her favour to be there, across from the woman who helped her husband cheat on her. It might humanise her and testify to Margot's benefit under oath.

Margot was not looking forward to it. She was anxious and she had been suffering from a persistent stomach ache ever since she had returned to New York.

She padded downstairs to make herself some coffee while holding her phone to her ear to answer whoever was calling her.

"It's seven o'clock in the morning," she grumbled, hoping whoever it was would just apologise and hang up.

"You're up!" Taylor exclaimed enthusiastically on the other end of the call. "And I'm right outside. Can you open the door for me? I have breakfast."

"Oh... Are you?" Margot replied, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion as she came to a stop outside her kitchen. "What are you doing here?"

"Freezing my ass off outside your door! Can you let me in?" Taylor replied instead. "Why is there a draft in your hallway?"

Margot started making her way to the front door instead and opened it to find Taylor standing there with a brown paper bag in her hands, grinning widely at her. She ended the call and tucked her phone in the pocket of her robe, giving Taylor a small smile.

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