Chapter 29

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hey gays, i just landed <3 back home for the holidays wooo

anyway enjoy<333


Back in William's office, Margot couldn't stop pacing back and forth. She was furious, and she was nauseous, and honestly, she just needed a good cry.

"So... She just lied?" Thalia asked, her eyes following Margot as she moved around like a cat finding an interesting stimulus. "That's illegal. Why would she do that?"

"No offence but I'm not sure you're supposed to be in here," Gabriel said, leaning against the closed door.

"If Maggie wants privacy, she can say so," Thalia retorted but Margot was too focused on trying not to collapse to really listen to what was going on around her. "Mags? Hey, Mags...? Margooooot?"

"What?" She snapped, irritated. She stopped for a second to glare at Thalia but when she didn't say anything she went back to her pacing.

"Margot, you're going to ruin the carpeting with all your pacing. Can you sit down, babes?" Thalia asked softly, reaching for Margot's hand to pull her down on the couch next to her.

Margot pulled her hand out of Thalia's reach and started pacing again but a little bit further away from her reach this time.

"Well, if not for the carpets, do it for me! You're making me all dizzy with your pacing!" Thalia exclaimed.

Margot glared at her again but she stopped moving around.

"We'll fix this, it's fine," William said. "We know she's lying and we can't prove it now but we'll find something. Someone must have seen her. Your neighbours. A maid, maybe?"

Margot shook her head. "He would have paid them off," she responded quietly. "Just like he probably paid her off to lie."

"You think Harry is behind this?" William's associate, Gabriel, asked.

"Of course, it's his fault," Thalia snorted. "This was his lawyer's son."

"Hm, it is odd that Bianca Mariano could afford to be represented by Frost & Thompson," Gabriel responded. "She didn't even really need a lawyer around for this."

"Not unless Harry paid her off, just like he paid her off last time to keep the affair quiet," Margot pointed out. "I mean, seriously, she does not have a grandma who had half a million dollars. That was Harry's hush money. He knew I'd stay quiet to avoid drama back then but he needed to make sure that she wouldn't run around selling the story to the tabloids."

"She knows if we prove she's lying she can face time in jail though and she doesn't strike me as a dumb or naive person," Gabriel said, tapping his fingers on his knee.

"You don't know Harry like I do," Margot muttered. "He can be very charming and convincing when he wants to be. Hell, he convinced me to stay married to him for way longer than I should have."

"So, you're saying he went to her and convinced her to perjure herself and lie under oath for his sake?" William asked, leaning his elbows on the desk and his chin over his hands.

"She was wearing a really nice pair of earrings, wasn't she?" Margot said, sitting down next to Thalia. "He would have paid her a visit, probably with a present, most likely Tiffany's, and then he would have offered her the money. He would have probably accompanied that with compliments and back handed insults. The kind that would make her so insecure about anyone ever finding out about her sleeping with him and accepting the first hush-money check that she would have accepted the second one."

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