chapter 13

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Hi guys, Lou is drunkkkkkk so....
I'm feeling generous



EXCLUSIVE: Margot Paradis' Ex, Harry Fitzroy, Warns Taylor Swift About Her, Calls Her A Cheater

News of the fashion entrepreneur and the 12-times GRAMMY awards winner dating broke last week and Margot Paradis' ex-husband seems keen on sending Taylor Swift a warning.

He says, "she should be careful going out with someone who's only in it for the money."

Paradis and Fitzroy met in 2012 and married a year later when she was only 23 and he was 34. Back then, she was just starting her own fashion brand with her brother, Sebastian Paradis, the same brand that has grown into an empire today. Fitzroy claims he helped her build the company from the ground up with his fortune which he made as the owner of the Fitzroy hotels, and as soon as she realised she didn't need him anymore, he says, "she tossed me aside and found the youngest model to fool around with."

"Once a cheater, always a cheater," he adds. "I would hate to see her hurt anyone else."



Margot glanced up from her computer screen to find Andrew standing there with a sheepish smile on his face.

"How's my favourite person doing?"

Margot sat back in her swivel chair and narrowed her eyes suspiciously at her friend.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing! Why would you assume that?" He replied, waving his hand in the air dismissively, but then he spotted the little dog in Margot's lap and gasped softly. "Sir Kennington! Hello!"

Margot chuckled and put the terrier down on the carpet. The dog immediately ran over to Andrew who was already on his knees and picked up the little mutt who instantly attacked his stubbly face with licks and kisses.

"Best decision you've ever made!" Andrew exclaimed, getting back up on his feet with Ken still in his arms. "How come he's with you though?"

"It pays to be the boss," Margot replied with a slight smirk. "I can do whatever I want. Like bring my dog to work. Now, it's one in the afternoon and you're not teaching a class or working on your research. What's up?"

Andrew put Kennington back in Margot's lap and pointed at his plaid shirt, right above the pocket. "Hot sauce stain. I have an important meeting with the faculty in two hours and it was closer to stop by your office than go all the way home to change. So, you got anything for me?"

"Yeah, 'course. We'll have to go to the closet."

Andrew grinned excitedly. "Ah! I love the closet."

"Great. Let's go!" She said, saving the document on her computer before getting up and carrying her dog with her. "So, let me get this straight. You knew that you have an important meeting today and still, you decided this morning that it was a good idea to wear that shirt...? With khakis?"

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