Sending a Saucy Text 📲🔥 👀

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These were supposed to be shorts😭
Characters are 18+ btw!

Izuku Midoriya

The dinning hall was too loud to have a normal conversation with your boyfriend who sat a table away from you. So you decided to text him instead.

'Hey, up for a few rounds after lunch?'

Who would of thought an innocent text about training would turn out so different.

You saw as his face turn bright red as he looked between you and his phone.

Suddenly, you sat awkwardly across the cafeteria table and watched as your boyfriend quickly scarf down his lunch with such speed that it looked like he was inhaling it.

In less than a minute he finished his entire meal and happily sat with a bright smile as he waited for you to finish your own lunch.

Let's just say you took your time eating and you sure did eat a lot which Midoriya didn't mind, he knew that you definitely were going to need the energy.

Mini bonus:

"I-Oh of course you meant sparring!"

Midoriya laughed nervously as he put out the candles and tried sweeping away the flower petals.

Katsuki Bakugo

Something you often did on the weekends was sleeping over at each others houses. This time he spent the night at your house. Once he left and you were randomly cleaning your room, you found one of his skull shirts on your bed.

"Hehehehe..." you smirked and put it on.

It got a little big on you. You were wearing shorts too so it looked like you were only wearing his shirt.

You went to your standing mirror and snapped a pic and sent it.

'Hey dipshit, you left something🤪'


You received no reply.

You shrugged figuring he just saw it and rolled his eyes.

After another 15 minutes of cleaning your room, you heard a noise from downstairs.

At first you thought it was one of your brothers but that soon changed when you heard their steps come up the stairs and kick open your door.

"What the- so we just forgot how to knock now?" You asked your boyfriend in an annoyed tone.

He stood with a blank expression, hands in his pocket and completely casually to the fact that he just kicked open your bedroom door.

"You wanna explain yourself pop-rocks!?" You glared.

"..." he quietly and calmly walked up to you.


No words. No explosion. He just calmly picks you up bridal style and walked you out your house and towards his.

"Y'all just gonna let this happen!?" You asked your brothers as they played video games in the living room while you held onto the doorframe.

"..." they ignored you.

You didn't see your brothers all weekend.

Mini bonus:

"Damn it Katsuki!" Mitsuki cursed as she applied concealer on your neck, "learn some goddamn restraint!"

"I did, she's not pregnant..." he shrugged while eating a snack.

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