Icarus's Sunlight (Hawks x Reader)

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Requested by: AllisonTart

"Haha, so long heroes!" the villain laughed as he got into a truck with his accomplice.

"They've got us on the ropes huh Endeavor?" Hawks chuckled as the two heroes were knocked into the same wall.

"Grr-ugh!" The flame hero was far too weakened from their fight to chase after the villains, "Damn.. my ribs are cracked..."

"Don't worry, I can-ooof!" and the winged hero was no different.

"Oh no! they're getting away!" Yelled a civilian.

"Hahahaha!" the villains were speeding down the road so quickly, they paid no regard to the child frozen in fear crossing the street.

"My baby!" cried her mother.

There was no way that either of the heroes could save her in time.

"Get out of the way brat!" the driver honked as he sped up.

The onlookers were in fear for the child's life, feeling helpless, and wings crushed by building debris, Hawks looked away.

"Robbery by criminals? Pft, how original..." You flipped your hair and jumped off a building.

"Huh?" Hawks quickly recognized your voice and opened his eyes.

While in mid-jump, you clicked your heels and wheels popped out, you began rollerskating down the side of a building. You then sprung yourself off the wall and skated in front of the little girl.

"It Song-Stress!" cheered the crowd.

He subconsciously smiled.

"Hey, dopes!? Check this music note!" You smirked confidently.

"Pft-!" The winged hero muffled his laughter at how corny that line was.

~~~Present Mic voice: Y/N L/N, hero name: Song-Stress! Her supersonic Siren shriek can blow any opponent away, she's also got a wicked cool singing voice that can control anyone she wants! Even herself!~~~

You took a wide stance and a deep breath, "LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" you sang loudly and the soundwaves were so powerful that they blasted the truck back.

"Damn it!" the truck was upside down but they still managed to get out with their stolen goods and run away.

"Running away? A valiant effort I must say...." you flipped your hair and smirked, "Though I don't wish to cut our meeting short..." You knelt down in a starting pose, "I guess I'll chase you down for good sport!" instantly, you ran with inhuman speed, catching up with them in record time and capturing them with a net you had in your tool belt.

"YAAAAAAAAY!" the crowd cheered as you wrangled up the villains and the police showed up just in time.

"Well done Song-Stress, thanks for your help..." Endeavor complimented.

"Aw, hearing that from you is a dream come true!" You Gushed.

"You were awesome as always, Songbird!" Smirked Hawks using the nickname he made for you.

"Uh...much obliged my feathered friend..." You blushed, "I...uh...hope to see you again!" You quickly skated away from him.

You could rhyme any day of the week, it's kind of necessary as you need to in order for your quirk to work. Yet when speaking to the winged hero, your speech weakened. You've met many times before and even teamed up a few times with your hero agencies. You weren't exactly close, mainly work collages at most.

BNHA *BOYFRIEND SCENARIOS* PT.2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora