When You're Insecure 😔

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Requested by: *Anonymous*

Izuku Midoriya

"HYA!" you gracefully landed in the trees

"Whoa, you're really fast!" smiled Hado while Dangling from the tree, in tangled in her own hair that you managed to tie her in.

"Hehe, thanks Nejire-senpai! Bye!" you disappeared into the trees in search of your next opponemt.

"She's headed your way amazing!" Had informed over her earpiece.

"Huh!?" poor suneater what is a bigger, emotional wreck than he already was while patrolling through the forest. "Aw man I knew I should have stayed home today..." he sulked.


He heard some noise coming from the trees but he couldn't pinpoint where.

"Y-You know we don't have to do this Y/n, I'm not really sure why you were after me you know me, or you would give you a better fight than me..." He bargained while searching the forest area to find where you were hiding.

"I got you now, Senpai!" you smiled, jumping down from a tree to attack Tamaki.

"Ah!" cried Tamaki as he instinctively sprouted tentacles and subdued you.

"..." you were pinned by your feet, upside down, on a tree.

"S -Senpai!?" you blushed and held your skirt in place so he wouldn't see your underwear.

"Oh geez, sorry!" he let go of you and ran away out of embarrassment.

"Whoa!" you cried as he dropped you rather quickly to the ground.

"H-Hey! wait Senpai-Ow!" you cried as you held onto your ankle in pain.

"Uh oh..." you noticed how swollen it was.


When you were younger, you used to be extremely clumsy and get hurt really often. Not only that but you were relentlessly bullied because if you work, and you're shy and antisocial behavior.

Ever since your grandfather and All Might started to train you, when you're around 10, you didn't really get hurt as much and you started defending yourself more. That was also around the time you made a promise to yourself that you wouldn't be as weak as you were before.

You wanted to be a strong hero, not only to protect the the innocent, but also protect yourself from getting hurt ever again. So seeing this new scar bruise, set something off in you.

Were you weak? Did you ever really improve as a fighter? Will you ever get better? Do you even have what it takes to be a hero?

Question start to deflect your mind as your insecurities of being weak started to return.

"Y/n that was amazing!" smiled you boyfriend running up to you.

"Huh?" you snapped out of your trance.

"None of the first years, even came close to beating any of the third years!" his eyes seemed to sparkle in amazement at how proud he was of you.

"R-really?" you blushed.

"Yeah! I can't believe One of the first years like us, managed to sneak up against one of the big three!" he gasped, " oh, but wait, you skipped a grade didn't you because of recommendation and Your results on your entrance exam!" he gushed, "I can't believe I'm dating someone so cool!"

BNHA *BOYFRIEND SCENARIOS* PT.2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن