CHOICES: When He's Evil 👿 pt. 1

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I'll be doing a chose your own adventure story this month so if you want to play then comment on your choice for each character, the most comments win till the next part!

*Evil AU*

Disclaimer: Some of these are just straight-up Yandere😅

Izuku Midoriya

Fighting All Might for his quirk but really it's for you. He wants you.

"You've grown soft old man..." the green-headed boy smirked down at his foe.

"Ugh..." All Might grunted in his weakened state. He lay defeated on the ground, trying to get back up when "AGH!" The boy's foot landed firmly on his stomach wound.

"You know I looked up to you for a long time..." he reminisced, "I studied your moves, worked hard to become a hero just like you..."

The hero gave a sympathetic expression.

"hehe, Aw don't feel sad, you taught me so much!" He smiled, "I sacrificed my own body just to live up to you... I thought I wanted to be you..." he leaned town to be face to face with All Might, "...but then I realized something, I never wanted to be you... I wanted what you had..."


"45 northeast, 850 meters..." you stood atop a building while trying to locate All Might.

"The target is armed, do not engage!" Warned Nighteye, "Leave it to bubble girl, she's got more experience..."

"Pft, I've been training with Uncle Toshinori since I was in diapers..." you gloated as you stretched your legs and arms then got into a running stance, "besides..." your shoes began to glow, "what kinda sidekick would I be if I didn't give my hero some support..." you smirked then ran off the building and onto another.

Your shoes allowed you to bounce at great lengths from building to building at great speed.

"I'm coming for ya Uncle Toshinori, hang on!" You gave a determined smirk.


"What *cough!* are you talking about Midoriy-AGH!" He cried out when the young boy put more pressure on the wounded hero.

"Heroism, saving lives, what's the point in all that when you're alone? Being in isolation leaves you a lot of time with your mind... it also gives you a lot of time to observe..." his smirk widened but there was a certain glint in his eyes.

Though All Might was heavily injured he could still figure out what it was... obsession.

"Y/n..." his eyes widened in horror at the realization.

"Uncle Toshinori!" You made it just in time.

"Y/N no!" He yelled.

You gasped at his state. Weakened, bloody, and bruised, held mercilessly under the boot of a boy not much older than you.

"Hmmm..." Midoriya gave a giddy smile once he saw you.

"Get out of here now-Ah!" All Might tried to warn but was silenced by Izuku's boot.

"..." raged fueled you once you saw the boy harming your mentor, "Get away from him!" You charged at him.

"Heh?" He gave a crooked smile and then floated above you to dodge your attack.

BNHA *BOYFRIEND SCENARIOS* PT.2Where stories live. Discover now