Genie 🧞‍♂️

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What would he do with one genie wish?

Izuku Midoriya

"Ok so I can't wish for more wishes, no wishing anyone back from the dead, but if I wish for something without specifications then I could me tricked!" your boyfriend mumbled.

He was planning out his wish in one of his notebooks.... For the past 3 hours.

"Hmm, if I wish for super strength would that grant me invulnerability?" He scratched the back of his head, "cause I'm kind of tired of breaking my bones every time I land a punch, does the same work for invisibility or is it going to be a Hakaglkure situation where I gotta be naked all the time, OH or could I wish for dual powers like Todoroki!? But wouldn't that be considered to two wishes cause I'm asking for two things? Maybe if I-"

"Dude, just make the wish..." the genie deadpanned tiredly, "I wanna go back in my lamp..."

He was past the point of his whole magical charismatic genie schtick. Now the genie just wanted to be free of your neurotic boyfriend.

"Cinnabon you could just wish for genie powers so you can have as many wishes as you want..." you shrugged.

"But how do the confines of a genie work in our world!?" he panicked, "can genie's even become heroes!? Are they even registered as humans or some sort of illegal sentient beings!? how would I-"

"It's not that damn deep! Just Wish for something already, kid!" the genie shouted.

"A-Sorry! But I have to be careful!" he cried, " I don't wanna end up pushing for something I might regret!"

"Well whatever it is could we discuss it after dinner?" you whined as your stomach growled, "I'm starving!"

"Oh, sorry Y/n!" he frantically apologized, " I didn't realize I was taking so long! now that you mention that I am kinda hungry too... Why don't we head out for a bite?" he offered, "what are you in the mood for?"

"Are you serious?!" the genie complained.

"Hmm, I could go for some ramen- ooh! Or some Katsudon!" you smiled, "there's this new restaurant that opened up last month."

"Oh I could go for some Katsudon!" he blushed.

"Yeah! Their chicken bowls are awesome! But they'll probably be closed by the time we get..." you noticed how late it was.

"Aw I wish I could have tried some!" he whined.


Instantly a bowl of Katsu don appeared in his hands.

"HUH!?" he shouted in shock.

"And there is your wish no takebacks goodbye master!" The genie quickly said them immediately evaporating into dust leaving Midoriya devoid of color, too shocked to even speak.

"C-Cinnabon?" you called worryingly.

"..." he turned to you with a blank face, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Aw baby it's ok!" you quickly comforted him as he cried.

Katsuki Bakugo

"The hell do I need a stupid wish for shit!?" he argued while annoyingly eating his lunch.

"But master, you can really wish for anything you want..." the genie meekly tried to explain.

"What are you talking about!? I already have everything I want you idiot! Give it to manhands! Her life's a mess so she definitely needs it!"

"Ok rude..." you spoke up beside him, "But true..."

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