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Hobie has insomnia. He is also scared of sleeping because of his past. His father used to beat him for sleeping. That made him scared to sleep. Now there will be nights to where he can't and won't sleep. In fear of getting introuble or hurt. What he doesn't realize is that he is slowly becoming...weak.

Hobie pov:
Have to stay awake. Have to stay awake. I chant in my head. If I don't stay awake something bad can happen. Besides I'm a man I don't need sleep. Or anything!


I decided to go to pavs. I didn't wanna be alone. If he was asleep oh well. I could just go bother liam if he isn't. He most likely isn't. Liam even told him to not do it anymore. But he didn't listen. It's nit like he could. Force of habit at this point.

As I open a portal to pavs I see he is awake. He is just using his webs as a swing set. Swinging himself back and forth. It's pretty amusing. I chuckle lowly at him. Then he noticed me. "Hey hobes whatcha doing up this late?" "Your up to!" "Yeah but I'm active" "Sure."

He huffs at me. Getting off his homemade swing. He looked up at me. Then he pulled me onto the bed with him. "You look exhausted hobie." "Mmmmmf." Hearing a chuckle from him as he adjusted our position. I'm still leaning on him I think.

"Night hobie" "mmmf" "Yeah I love u to"

Then it went dark.

Ending scene with hobie cuddled up into pavs side.

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