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In this au hobie and pavitr are God's. Hobie is the God of punks. Pav is the God of chai. One day these two meet and nothing is the same after that.

Narrator pov:
All the gods were watching mortals do their everyday business. Gossiping about the affairs or their OP ships. The only God not partaking in the activities was hobie. The punk God rather make his music. He has to be dragged to meetings. Which take a lot of work. Most of the time he doesn't even want to get outta bed. Much less go to the boring meetings. In those meetings they usually discuss worship and stuff. Hobie didn't like it at all.

Hobie pov:
Could this get any worse? I sigh. I can't wait to go home. Or the mortal world. This is boring and stupid. Besides no mortal worshiped me anyways. I have no business here. Ares was the only fun one. The rest are boring. Especially Zeus the God of not keeping it in his pants. Anyways I think I'm just gonna leave. As I was about to leave the lord of cheating on women himself comes up to me. "Pleasant to see you here hobie." "Wish I can say the same. No I dont." "Ok then. How would yo-." "No." "Let me-." "No." Then I walk off.

Didn't need to follow lord of dicks rules. As I walk to my home another God came up to me. "Hi." "What do you need?" "Nothing I wanted to say hi." "Well then hi cya." Before I can walk away they grab my arm. "HEY WHO DO YA-?" I was then taken aback. The words stuck in my throat. He had a short size to him. Big chocolate brown eyes. Dark bronze skin. Dark brown hair held up by a rose colored headband.

Wow. He puts aphrodite to shame. He looks at me. "I'm pavitr God of chai but you can call me pav." "Hobie God of punks." Nice to meet you hobie." I smile. Maybe there is a reason to stay after all.

They got to know eachother more. Hobie now had a reason to show up. Turns out nobody worshipped pav either. Which was a big surprise for hobie. But as they got to know eachother more they fell in love.

Years later they were dating. And they were loyal. No affairs from either of them. They loved only eachother.

The end of this chapter.

chaipunk one shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ