Hate you💜

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K u guys gonna get some mega angst today cause I am hyper and didn't do a Lotta mega angst.

Today will be the day. I am going to confess my love. Margo already gave me the brqk his heart I break you. Backed up by mox saying if he says no I will smack him. Yes my mates know all about me being spiderman and the dimensions. I mean they meet gwen after all. They all have a favorite out of the spidey kids friend group. Mox loves margo. Harv likes miles. Millie treats pav like a son. And of course gwen is like a sister to hobie. Mox and margo are like the mom and dad. Gwen harv miles millie and I are the chaotic children. And oavs the sweet boi who apologizes alot. Though nobody knows why he does it.

I go up to pav. Gwen and miles are behind me. Trying to look oblivious with both phones out. Trying to. I smile trying not to look nervous. "Hey pav!" "Oh hi hobes what cha need?" I laugh as he tries to mock my accent. "So I like this person." "Oh really who is it?" "You." His face drops? Why did it drop? "I hate u." He said and ran off. I felt my heart drop.

Gwen and mules looked at me. Disappointment and shock clear on their faces. Gwen then looked mad. "Ima kill him." "NO GWEN!" "IMA JOIN GWEN" "NOT U TO MOX!!" I wasn't listening though. I felt like crying. I don't even remember getting there. I went up to my room. Then I started to sob. Why didn't he like me? Am I at fault here?

Pav pov:
"WHY WOULD U SAY THAT!?!?" "IM SORRY MARGO!!" "UR PARENTS NEED TO GET IT IN THEIR HEADS THAT U CAN LIKE GUYS!!" "THEIR GONNA KILL ME!" "IM GONNA KILL YOU!" As we continue to yell at each other I felt a pang in my heart. It just slipped out. My parent drilled it in my head. You have to like one gender. Right? Oh why did I say that?

It won't help now. No amount of apologizing would have them forgive me. I messed up. After margo left I took out a knife. They say in myths your other half can feel your pain. Emotional and physical. I loved him. I want to be with him.

I sigh. Then I sliced my wrist.

Hobie pov:
I felt something cut into my wrist. I look down. Tears still in my eyes. To see blood? But not my blood. It was someone else's. Then my senses went off.

I ran to his dimension. Only to find him on the floor. Passed out on the floor. His wrists were bleeding? The same way mine were. He loved me!?!? Then why would he say that? I bandaged him up. I then hugged the unconscious boy.

"I love u"
"I love you to hobes."

Ima make myself sob

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