"Coming in to rescue"

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Sleeping is a refuge when everything that happens once you're awake is starting to consume you from the inside out. Suddenly a beautiful world turns into a dystopian scenario and all your energy goes down the drain. And all of this for what? Some random girl? No.. Y/n is not just "some random girl", she's so much more than that. Her presence intrigued Colby from the start. Los Angeles is a place where your self worth is measured in views and clout, yet it seems she's just here for the sun and warm weather. She likes to think deeply and observe people below the surface. She's trustworthy and she has an altruistic set of mind which sets her apart from many people. She's not just some random girl, she's Y/n!

With all of this in mind, why did she leave, after all... Why didn't she text any of her friends once she landed and why is this situation making it seem like she was wiped off the face of the earth? These thoughts and the phone robot automatic speech were the lullaby that put Colby down to sleep. A sleep so light, he still felt disturbed by the problems that were clutching onto him from the real world as he transferred into dream land; yet the sleep was so deep he was unable to be bothered getting up to the sound of the front door opening.

"Should we let him sleep? He seems really tired, to be honest..." Sam's voice echoed mindlessly into Colby's eardrums. His unconsciousness didn't stop him from hearing his best friend.
"We should wake him up to ensure he is alright though..." Katrina talked slowly and confidently. Like a mother in despair. Even though her Easter trip was cut short, she couldn't bear to see Colby this pained. 
The words seem so distant, but comforting. Knowing there are people that care for his well being makes Colby feel less... I guess less of a nobody. Less of just a presence in the big universe, floating for an eternity and more. He feels terrified, because the feeling of loneliness brings him a twisted sense of comfort.

-Colby's pov-

I heard them. They were next to me, watching me as I slept on the messy bed, I call my own. The bed that was once full of you. Not in a nasty, disgusting, carnal sense of the sentence; more like of your presence and of your scent. I just missed her soul in the same room as mine. My pupils flutter open exposing my wet, crystal clear disturbed eyes. Sam's eyes widened and greeted me with a smile.
"Hi man! How did you sleep?" he asked as he held out a hand to help me up. I gratefully gripped hard onto it and searched deep down for the tiniest bit of power I had left, to bear human interaction, to pull myself together, and to stay awake. My mind can't function properly on an empty stomach and on paradoxical insomnia.
I looked at Sam and forced a smile.
"Yeah... I'm going to be fine, eventually." Kat's shoulders moved to more of a regular posture as if she felt somewhat relieved. I opened my arms and she flew right into the embrace with Sam following close behind. Sam patted my back, indirectly telling me to be strong while Kat brushed back my sweaty hair that was sticking to my forehead.
"Thank you guys." I spoke with no trace of emotion in my voice as they both backed out from the hug. Emotion makes you weak. Sam went around the room, inspecting it.
"Colby, because I care about you a lot, I'm telling you to get your shit together. I'll take Sam downstairs and we'll be waiting with food; when you're ready we'll talk about everything. Alright?" She spoke with warmth in her voice. Made my heart feel all fuzzy and I clenched my fist, feeling pained. Disruptive thoughts popped up in my mind like "You don't deserve help." or "You are such a burden for everybody."
"Colby, it's just a slump and you've had those before. I know you can get through it; just like you've surpassed many in the past." she continued as I looked to the hardwood floors.
"I know.." she was right... but it felt different this time.
She stood up and walked to Sam and took his hand into hers. They took short steps until they approached the door and opened it with a slight creak. I fixated their intertwined fingers; her brushing softly with her thumb Sam's palm. I could almost feel the warmth of someone holding your hand just by looking at them...

Kat looked back to me with comforting eyes and said:
"Go take a shower... you're a mess and frankly... you smell." Sam's face visibly dropped and Kat chuckled at the sight of it. A small soft smile formed on my face and laugh escaped my lungs; a genuinely out of pity laugh.
"There you go... now we'll be on our way to get..." She stumbled on her words and looked at Sam for some type of unspoken approval.
"We'll go get Domino's!" he stepped in the conversation with confidence in his voice. Sam smiled and I felt a little better, perhaps it brought me more hope.

The two of them then distanced themselves from the door and audibly made their way down the stairs. Colby was left once again alone, but this time was different. It was the start of a journey of recovery; the journey that will push him to forget about love and get over certain feelings he had for certain someones.

I made my way down the stairs with a towel around my neck, dripping wet hair and... barefoot (mans just came out of the shower and decided he couldn't care less). I opened my phone thinking it might be a good distraction, but soon enough I was faced with my own doing. The fucking clock. It was around 8 AM for her... maybe she was sleeping in or she could have been up from the jet lag and all the worries she had. I closed the phone as I entered the living room and left behind the previous thoughts. On the couch Sam was waiting on me, scrolling through his phone while Kat was in the kitchen doing the dishes.
"Turns out this place is nastier than I thought it might be when we returned." She spoke up more to herself, rather than to someone else. None of them seemed to notice I was in the same room so I made my presence known by taking unusually heavy steps towards the kitchen. I caught the attention of the two pairs of eyes. Silence replaced the soft hums Kat occasionally made once in a while and the taps on Sam's phone.
"We brought pizza." Kat said as her eyes moved back to the sink and the faucet that was left running.
"I hope y'all are hungry, because I'm starving and I have a lot to get off my chest.." I said in a cheery voice to lighten the mood.

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