"Champagne poetry" ¹

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I felt heartbroken... but not because of someone else's actions but my own.

Eventually I realised I can't force "it".

I can't force a connection or love, I can't force them to be someone they're not. So I had to let them go, for my own health and peace of mind.

Nate ended up staying that night and slept in bed with Izzy after they both dozed me off to sleep. I felt like a little kid waking up from a bad dream and letting my parents know. It's really nice having someone taking care of you, when you can't do it yourself.

I woke up at around 8 o'clock, I could smell roasted coffee beans and I smiled to myself as I heard the birds chirping outside. I stood up and went into the main area to find the source of chattering I've been hearing. I found Nate sitting on the sofa and Izzy making coffee. I silently walked to the coffee machine, grabbed a mug and poured myself some. I walked to the window, opened it and reached for the pack of cigarettes on the coffee table.

Nate and Izzy were watching my every move like I was about to break.

"This is her usual morning routine. She always says it's the breakfast of balkan people." Izzy whispered to Nate as he looked quite concerned.

"Good morning guys!" I spoke with a raspy voice and puffy eyes, turning towards them. A creepy smile was plastered across my face.

The rest of the morning was spent back in my room alone, I just couldn't bear human intention for now.

I had lost track of time. I was staring at the ceiling and at the floor, at the broken mirror tossed on the desk and at the lightswitch. A while later Izzy walked back in the room and pulled the blanket off my face, letting sunlight hit my pale skin. I squinted my eyes and turned my back towards her, trying to avoid the light.

"I know it's Sunday, but you still need to wake up." Izzy said in a carrying tone.

"I don't want to." I responded emotionlessly. The sound of my voice was muffled because of the pillows around me. Izzy sighted as she sat by the foot of my bed.

"Wanna know what Nate and I talked about last night? I bet you will be interested." She tried to change the topic.

"Mhmmm..." I responded.

"What was that?" Izzy faked not hearing me.

"Yes, please!!" I played along.

"You know how Sam and Colby are ghost hunters, right? Well they left LA about 5 days ago to do an investigation and they are coming back home tonight. Sam asked me if we wanted to hang out by their place tomorrow night." Izzy explained. I slowly turned my head her way.

"They asked for both of us?" Izzy nodded and continued: "They think you're pretty chill."

"Even after crying and passing out?" I thought to myself not being able to comprehend the information I was just given.

Silence settled for a couple seconds, but was quickly disturbed by Izzy.

"I heard that Colby was asking for your name." She spoke in a mischievous way.

"What?!" I asked as my eyes gave Izzy a playful look.

"Yeah trust me... Kat told me that after he dropped you off, he had a conversation with her about you." Those words rolled off her tongue so easily, yet hit me so hard. I was staring at the ceiling while she obviously waited for a reaction.

"How are things with Nate going?" I asked, feeling pretty emotionless.

"We're good, we're doing good... I think we are together but haven't made it official yet." She spoke, stroking my leg up and down.

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