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It's been a couple days of talking to Colby through texts. Excitement grew stronger with every passing day and curiosity got the best of me most of the time. Even though we're both busy in our worlds, we still managed to rip our heads from the clouds, from time to time and just chat. He was caught up with editing while I was, at most times, with my nose in the books.

The vanilla candle on my desk, almost burnt all the way down and my laptop were the only sources of light in the room. My phone's screen turns on and I see a notification pop up on my phone. It was Colby. A radiant smile appeared on my face. The flickering flame of the candle and the soothing smell, mellowed down my brain. The sparkle in my eyes grew stronger as I fought the urge to get my phone and disturb my study session. I was spacing out looking at the notification, wondering what he could've texted me. The phone's screen turned black again. Suddenly the door swung open and pulled me out of my dream state.

"Y/n, can I talk to you?" Izzy asked me as she seemed kind of in a hurry. It's been a while since I started working so the silence has settled in the whole room and interference left a ringing in my ear. The sudden burst of energy froze my mind for a minute as I jumped up.

"Yeah, sure. Come on in." I responded with unease in my voice. She walked by me and grabbed a chair, pulling it closer to me. She sat down and I could tell the conversation we were about to have was deeply important to her.

"I won't be here, at the dorms, for the next two weeks. It's my fathers birthday and a few days later it's Easter. We're leaving town... it's almost a habit we developed over time." She stopped and scratched the back of her head, having a worried look plastered across her face. That moment I understood why she's been quite jumpy and why she's been packing and unpacking all week. "I know you can't afford plane tickets to go back home for the holiday. If you think you can't stay here alone, I can skip the trip and stay here with you. Just say the word and I'm staying." She continued, giving me a genuine look.

"Oh my God... Izzy I could never ask you to give up on your dad's birthday just to stay here with me. Don't you worry, I'll be just fine on my own!" I spoke, pulling her into a tight hug. I pulled away and rubbed her back reassuringly. Her eyes were filled with happiness and that brought a smile to my face.

"You should have fun, dear!" I told her in a softer tone.

In the following hour she finished packing her suitcase and then left. She surely left sooner than I expected. I heard the door slam behind her as she rushed to go to the airport. Loneliness didn't hit me at first, but as the following hour passed trying to focus on my studies, I realised I'm not used to the dorm being as quiet and not chaotic as it was then and there.

I got up and threw a sweatshirt on and put my slides on my feet. I grabbed my pack of cigarettes, phone and keys with my single hand that worked properly. I left the dorm in hopes of finding a place where I felt less alone, less lost, more needed.

I opened my phone to check the time as my eyes widened when I realised I never answered the text Colby had sent about an hour before.

I was sitting on the stairs of the dormitories with a cigarette between my lips, hair lightly flowing in the wind and my computer glasses still on. Izzy bought me a wrist brace online about three days ago and ever since the pain hasn't been as salient as it was before. The swelling was still there and at night I often fell asleep with bags of frozen food on my hand.

"Hey Y/n. Up for some food?" The dm read. I smiled and typed back as fast as I could.

"You know me. Always am. Always will be." I was desperate for some human company.

alone | colby brock x y/n Where stories live. Discover now