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-Y/n's pov-

Stepping back into the dorm I felt embarrassment heat up my face, remembering about the events that occurred the previous night at the party. Izzy was sitting down in the common area of our dorm looking out the window. Her glance shifted towards me and a moment later without even realising we were in each other's arms. I could tell that last night had changed both of us. I don't know exactly in which way but it did. We sat down and the heavy silence started setting in.

"So.. you and Nate huh.." I said, smirking to lighten the mood.

We both started laughing and any trace of worry, judgement or embarrassment flew right then and there out the window.

"Yeah I guess so.. I don't know actually... I'm just as confused as you are, trust me. I'm so... sorry I didn't tell you sooner I had a thing for him." Iz said, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Girl you have nothing to worry about. Let's be real, I can't be mad that you don't share every single detail about your life. We are chilling." I said, trying to sit more comfortably. She looked at me and hugged me tighter than ever before.

"How did Nate know where we lived?" I was still confused. It's been on my mind ever since Colby mentioned it.

"Hahahha let's not get into that..." Izzy said quickly changing the subject. "Now boy oh boy do I have a question for you, Y/n." I knew what was coming.

"What about you and Colby? Did any action happen last night?" She said, nudging me.

"No Izzy and it's not going to happen. The man has its own shit to deal with. He's not even my type. Plus you know I have business with someone." I responded by getting defensive.

"Oh Y/n you know what, SCREW THAT SCUMBAG. Jason does not deserve you. Plus you two are just fuck buddies, dont you want something real for once?" Izzy asked, jumping out of her chair. She started raising her voice and getting pretty pissed off.

"You know I can't handle that kind of commitment." I responded blankly. "But I do think he is a really nice guy, we can be friends!" I tried to give her some satisfaction as I didn't like where this conversation was going.

"Okay.. okay... this is a good start. I can work with this..." she whispered under her breath while bringing a finger to her chin, which made me laugh.

"Hey Iz.. are these guys well known or sum?" I asked. Izzy gave me a weird look.

"Are you being serious right now?" she asked as if I were joking, but she was met with nothing but a serious look across my face.

"Oh my god I can't believe you sometimes!" she almost yelled while reaching for her Macbook. She opened it and started typing angrily. Soon enough she turned the display my way. It was a youtube channel called "Sam and Colby."

"Aww that's so cute they actually have a youtube channel." I said as I brought my hands to my face.

"Y/n focus!" Izzy ordered, bringing me back to earth. As I looked closer my face dropped and Izzy started laughing at my reaction.

"Dude these two aren't just well known, they are straight up famous, aren't they?" I asked rhetorically. I then grabbed the laptop and started scrolling down their channels, then their instagram pages and even twitter accounts. I was left speechless and suddenly things started making sense. How they can afford that house at the ripe age of 24 in LA, how surprised and pleased Colby was when he learned that I'm not a follower of his and why they all acted so well behaved and didn't seem to be able to let loose at the party. Turns out they have literally MILLIONS of fans watching their every move with deep appreciation.

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