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I love getting ready for parties and even more when it's with friends. Listening to music together while doing our makeup with a glass of wine in our hand is just amazing. I think I liked it more than the party itself. We were sitting on the floor in the common space, in front of the only big mirror we have in our dorm. Makeup and eyeshadow pallets were scattered all over the floor and soft music was surrounding us. The freshman across the hall was practising on the piano again. The bottle of wine was taunting me as I already got a refill.
"I'm so glad you finally agreed to let loose a little and go out with me for once, Y/n. By the way I'm loving your eyeshadow, it's really making your eyes pop." Izzy said, looking at me with a worried smile plastered across her face.
"You've been working yourself too much lately." She continued.
"Iz... I'm chilling, no need to worry. You know I have to keep my grades up." I responded while rubbing her back reassuringly.
I started gathering my stuff off the floor as I had already finished my make up. I went into our room to pick out an outfit. I didn't know much about the party we were going to but I needed to settle with something that did not come across as "trying too hard", nor "waking up from a nap".
I ended up going with a pair of ripped high waisted denim shorts and a black corset top. I still had about 20 minutes to spare so I finished my drink quickly and I went to fix my hair. A slick back spiky bun was what I settled for and my confidence was through the roof when Hannah begged me to teach her later how to do the hairstyle.
It was about 9:45 PM when Iz finished getting ready. I got my earrings, threw on my air force 1's and left the dorm.

"Y/n, you know whose party we're going to, right?" Izzy asked me, smirking knowing I can't back out now.
"No..." I said nervously. "Is it the haunted ghost guys you always talk about..?" I asked.
Izzy's face didn't trade any emotion. I was left without an actual answer, yet I understood everything. The air during daytime is boiling hot in LA so driving around at night is refreshing. The chilly breeze was blowing Izzy's hair. The windows were rolled down, music blasting and two girls singing along to some random song. I zoned out looking at the road but finally we got to a big house. I'm not going to lie, I was starting to get sceptical. How do two "ghost hunters" afford such housing? Me and Izzy got out of the car and made our way inside. The lights were blinding so it took me a second to adjust. There were so many people inside, yet I couldn't find a familiar face. Everyone was just having a good time, dancing and vibing to the loud music. A purple and pink spotlight hit my eyes so I raised my hand and placed it before my eyes.
I felt a hand grab mine and I tightened my grip. Izzy pulled me through the crowd of people to the bar where she poured me a drink. The tour around the crowded place wasn't over yet. I was dragged back into the ocean of people as I was trying to grasp onto what was happening. I was quite overwhelmed. Izzy approached two guys sitting on a couch comfortably. She went and happily hugged the boys, a sweet smile appeared on her face as she sat next to one of them.
"This is my friend, Y/n, I'd like you to meet her." Shouted Izzy eagerly so she could make herself heard.
The blonde boy smiled and mouthed the words "Nice to meet you!" and motioned me to come closer.
"Hi! I'm Sam, Izzy has told us a lot about you. This is Nate." He said, pointing at the guy on his right.
"Sam, where is Colby? I'd like him to meet Y/n as well." Said Izzy.
I was feeling quite awkward as I was just smiling at them and looking around like a lost puppy. Suddenly Izzy took my hand and started dancing. I didn't realise at the moment but it was one of our favourite songs. I stopped for a moment and my face lit up with excitement. We sang along to the lyrics and danced in a childish, playful manner. I could see with the corner of my eye how the two boys were laughing at how silly me and Izzy looked. I took Izzy's hand and went back to get another drink, suddenly I wasn't so anxious and nervous anymore. I felt happy and being surrounded by strangers wasn't bothering me as much anymore.
I convinced Izzy to go out to the balcony because I wanted to smoke. As I approached the door that leads to the balcony I saw a pair of blue eyes lock contact with mine. Izzy then basically flew out in the arms of this boy and hugged as if she hadn't seen him in years.
"Colby, this is my really good friend and I'd like you to meet her!" Said Izzy, chuckling.
"Hi... nice to meet you." I said with a sweet smile as I held out my hand for him to shake.
"The pleasure is mine, I'm Colby." Responded the black haired boy, taking my hand in his.
We must've stayed like that for a couple seconds because when I looked to my left Izzy had already bolted out the door.
I rolled my eyes playfully as I reached out in my purse for the pack of cigarettes.
"Do you happen to have a lighter, Colby?" I asked, looking at him over my shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah, come here!" He said as he reached into his pocket.
The wind was blowing softly cool air on my hot body. I brought my face closer to him, having the cigarette between my lips.
He placed one of his hands up covering the tip of the cigarette while he carefully lit it with the other hand. I couldn't help but inspect his facial features when I had the chance. I quickly retired to my seat once he was done. The burning cigarette between my fingers and the muffled music were all making me feel like life wasn't real for a second.
"How do you know Izzy anyway?" I asked, trying to avoid awkward silence.
"Nate introduced us a while ago and ever since she's been hanging out with me and Sam." Responded Colby, looking at the sky blankly, putting his cigarette to his lips and gently grabbing it, in a weird motion. The kind of move you see old smokers or farmers do.
"She's fun to be around and she doesn't care about clout." He continued.
"What clout?" I thought to myself. I stared straight down to my shoes as I allowed my mind to run wild for a minute.
"You?" He asked, interrupting my train of thought.
"She's my roommate at uni. One of my closest friends I have here." I responded leaving the previous thought behind.
"That's cute. What did-"
Suddenly the door opened and a really pretty girl in high heels and a mini skirt started staring at Colby and I.
"Babe, let's go, I want to dance." The girl said.
Colby raised his hand and showed her his burning cigarette. She then closed the door behind her. I held out my hand towards her and said:
"Nice to meet you!" With half a smile. She looked at my hand as if I'd shown her something disgusting, scoffed and went back inside saying "Colby I swear to God... I'lI give you two minutes to finish your cigarette".
I looked at him a bit confused, my hand still in the air.
"I'm sorry for her, she's Stas. I don't know what's gotten into her to be honest. She's been acting off these past few days and it's been getting on my nerves." He quickly apologised for her behaviour.
I smiled understanding the situation and said:
"Well I, myself, need to go back inside to find Izzy." I paused, put the cigarette between my lips and looking at him I finished it, inhaling one last time, before putting it out.
"I don't trust her alone with alcohol." I continued laughing. He looked down and chucked.
"See you inside." I said then left.
Looking around for someone who always wants to dance in a room full of people having fun is like searching for the needle in the haystack. I went to Nate and Sam, waving at them and I felt relieved when I saw Izzy with her head on Nate's shoulder. Sam explained to me as I locked at her confused "She is drunk right now. Thank God I noticed her in time, someone must've spiked her drink."
I looked at poor Izzy as she was smiling up looking at Nate and holding onto his biceps.
"I feel kind of light headed as well. I'll go to the bathroom, then I'll be calling for an uber to take us back to the dorms. I think she needs some sleep." I said, looking at Sam and Nate. They agreed and I went to the kitchen to get a drink first as I was getting hella thirty. I poured myself a big glass of water to sober up and went to get some ice from the other side of the counter. I downed about half of it at once and made my way to the bathroom.
In a corner of my eye I caught Colby's eyes once again and he smiled at me. Stas was talking to him looking kind of mad and I must've been staring because she noticed me, grabbed his hand and went up the stairs into a room. I stayed down looking at them until they were out of my field of sight . I left my drink on a random table and I rushed to the bathroom as the feeling of dizziness was getting salient.
The last thing I remember was getting to the bathroom, my hands feeling numb and my legs giving out. I was knees on the floor, head on the toilet lid. Tears started flooding my eyes as my vision went black and sounds got muffled like I was stuck underwater.
Everything went blurry and my eyelids felt heavy. I was simply so scared.

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