Chapter 9: A Marvellous Medicine

Start from the beginning

"Lord Atem, Lady Ororo. Welcome back to Genosha. I hope you were successful in doing whatever you went to accomplish there right Your Majesty?" A middle-aged man bowed as he welcomed us when we entered the building flying followed by Ororo.

"Ah, Forge, yes I was very successful in my endeavors. How is your research going by the way? Hope, you are not overworking yourself again. Believe me, overwork " I greeted the man back as I noticed dark spots under his eyes and his tired body language like he hadn't had a second of peaceful sleep for a long time.

"I am good sir. Just a little nervous about the newest product launch. It is going to be the biggest thing ever for metahumans, so we cannot mess it up, no matter what. The world's future itself depends on it." He smiled tiredly while looking like he needed to sleep ASAP.

"Yeah, but I doubt you are going to live that long the way you are going. As for the release, I am sure it will be a success. Miss Sinister, aka, Claudine Renko assured me that the serum would work as intended especially after the 'thorough research' she conducted using my body fluids as well as all the DNA samples she collected from Mystique, Copycat, and Rogue." I said confidently while walking towards Miss Sinister's lab.

Both Ororo and Forge followed me with awestruck expressions on their faces, probably wondering how I was so confident despite knowing Claudine's absolutely sadistic and uncaring-for-life personality.

The woman was the last female clone alive of Mr. Sinister after we killed all the other Mr. Sinister clones as well as the original one. She was the only one left alive mostly because of her extreme intelligence and knowledge about genetics and the x-gene in particular. Also, she was perfect for what I needed her for, making the ultimate metahuman cure, a real one in this case.

As all three of us got into the elevator and went down to the underground portion of the building where most of the research and experiments took place, I noticed an increase of scientists working than last time.

"Did you hire more workforce by any chance?" Ororo asked the question lingering in my mind.

"Yes, we did. Zoya increased our budget quite a lot after Miss. Sinister joined us and we began to produce more results to show for our research giving us a way to not only fund more projects but even hire more people as well. People really underestimate the number of unemployed or dissatisfied brilliant scientists unhappy with their workplaces. All we did was just identify the ones who were truly useful using Zoya's algorithms and hire them while giving them high enough salaries and research budgets.

In fact, we had a growth of 9% in completion of new projects and research within just one month of us starting to employ more researchers." Forge said with a content tone, probably happy that he would have time for his own experiments and projects now that we had enough workforce.

"Oh, that's surprisingly impressive especially since you did it in such a short term. Just make sure that whoever we hire is thoroughly checked by both our telepaths and empaths at the immigration offices as well as Zoya to make sure that the new hires aren't enemy spies. And even if they do, you can always implant an exploding chip in their brains to make sure that they don't do something stupid like betraying their employers." I chuckled while seriously contemplating if I could legally do that somehow while still 'upholding' their moral rights.

"Okay bring him here slowly, make sure that his radiation doesn't get leaked. Yes, come on. place him there and put his vests in. That's it. Now return back and seal the chamber." A female voice was heard directing a group of people wearing heavy anti-radiation suits. The group silently and obediently listened to all her directions and did what she ordered, sealing a teenage boy inside a radiation-proof chamber adjacent to the room we were currently in.

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