Chapter Fifteen: Fixed Noggin

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My eyelids flutter and the light in the room is too bright even though it's only candlelight. I groan and hold my hand over my face to shield me from it. My head is pounding and sore. "You're awake," Asmodeus says excitedly. I lift my hand to pat the spot on my head that's sore. "No. Don't do that." Asmodeus says grabbing my hand.

"What's wrong?" I ask unsure.

"Do you remember when you hit your head on the rock?" He questions.

I think about it for a moment. "I did?" I feel confused.

"Well, you got a concussion and a huge gash. You needed stitches and staples." He explains.

I think for a moment. "What?" I spaz out and I try to touch it.

"No don't do that." Asmodeus gathers my hand back.

"Let me try to heal it," I say like he's silly.

'It's got the staples and stitches in. It will heal naturally soon." He says holding my hand.

"Get the doctor so he can take them out," I tell Asmodeus firmly. I watch as the doctor appears before us in an instant.

The doctor looks startled for a minute. Then looks to me. "Oh, you're awake." The doctor smiles.

"Can you remove the stitches and staples so I can heal my head?" I say.

"Sure can do." The doctor smiles at me and uses the medical stuff that is lying in a bag on the table.

"Your boyfriend here loves you a lot your very lucky." The doctor points to Asmodeus.

"Is that so?" My eyes gleam when they look to Asmodeus's eyes and his are looking back the same. "Stop a second," I tell the doctor and he does. "Is he right snookums?" I ask with a playful tone. I watch as Asmodeus nods his head. So I put my face into his and rubbed my nose back and forth on his. Then I peck him on the lips and pull back. I'm smiling huge. Asmodeus's face is pure shock but pure bliss as well.

Sam growls. "Don't do that again." He warns me.

He comes to. "I've missed you I was so worried," Asmodeus says in a tone like it hurt his heart.

"We've missed you. We've been worried" Sam says cross.

"It occurs to me I don't remember what happened when I hit my head at the black lake," I say unsure.

"That's normal." The doctor says.

I look more closely at Asmodeus's face and I am in surprise. "You look like shit," I say with my eyes wide.

I then hear the doctor snort as he's snipping things on my head.

"That's what sitting in place for a while will do to a being." Asmodeus wiggles around. "I can't feel my ass," Asmodeus says playfully and I laugh.

"How long have I been out?" I wonder if it must not have been long.

Asmodeus cringes. "Forty-eight hours."

"What?" I yell my head still can't take loud noises.

"You've been sitting here for me for two days?" I ask and Asmodeus smiles at me genuinely.

"We've been sitting here. We," Sam says forcefully.

"I doubt that," I say feeling annoyed for some reason. I watch as Sam touches Asmodeus's arm. Without looking at Asmodeus shakes his head no. I narrow my eyes at them.

"Thanks for helping me Asmodeus." I smile softly at him.

"We've helped you. We. For fucks sake." Sam says in agitation. I look over to Sam's face and he looks like shit too. Which I never thought to be possible.

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