Chapter Two: The Plan

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All my training. All the practice. All the soul collecting. Has come to this one moment.

Xirasti age 18

I remember the night when I was practicing magic to set free Sam from his chains. It feels just like yesterday. 

I decided to try my levitation spells on heavy objects. Heavy chains are at boat yards so I went there to practice late at night. There were many different-sized ships off the water lying on the ground. Some of these ships just fell apart. The wood of the ships was rotten and broken. Some of them had funny names like Just Add Wind, Unsinkable III, and Knot for Sail. There was one named Big Berta and it was just a row boat. There were multiple types of ships in varied sizes tied to the docks. There were anchors of different sizes scattered through the yard. Some of these boats and anchors are massive. A good amount of the anchors were rusty on some parts. When doing spells my hands get an inky black. So I activated a levitate spell and I planted my feet and lifted one of the larger anchors. I lifted it in the air and spun it around. I tried to put it down gently and picked it back up. I practiced doing it multiple times.

Then I walked around and noticed there was a ship tied to the wooden dock with a heavy chain around the wooden post. I got closer to it and used my magic to unravel the whole chain. It's heavier than I thought considering it's attached to the boat. I wasn't thinking and I tugged the chain hard with my hands. I used a spell to help pull the chain and the movement of the boat rebounding it tossed me into the water. I let go of the chain but I can't swim. Besides my small shower, I've never been in the water. I'm so dumb. I'm trying to keep my head above water and I can't. My arms flailed above my head. I try to use my wings but they are caught in my clothes. I sank and went under. I can't think. Everything goes still. My oxygen had been depleted my lungs burned. I summoned all the strength I had in me to propel my hands downward launch myself into the air and land on the dock. I coughed water out of my lungs and then collapsed on my back I looked up at the stars and tried to regain my breath. Not smart on my part. I figured I had to think of something else. I sat up and looked around in the corner I saw big chains as they lay on the ground. Why haven't I seen that before? I walked over to them and began using my magic to lift the heavy chain and put it down slowly. I practiced for a few hours to make sure I could do it right.

I almost died for him.

I was practicing healing magic so I could alleviate some of his pain from where the chains were connecting. I think back on the memory of that night. I haven't practiced healing magic before. There are not a lot of books on it because demons can't use healing magic. But in my theory, since I had an uncorrupted soul it would be able to use it. There are spell books on the theory and the basis of magic that healing came from. So they were somewhat helpful but I just needed to have figured it out on my own.

I grabbed a knife from my table and sliced open my thumb. My hand swirled a shadowy smoke and I hovered my hand over my thumb. I put it up to my face and watched it. It slowed and mended the wound. A few minutes later it's like the cut wasn't there except for a scar. I pressed my thumb against the wall and applied pressure but there was no pain.

Huh, That was pretty cool. I made a gash along my palm and did the same. I noticed that it did take a few minutes to complete. Although I don't need to heal Sam's ribs because it won't work I just needed to make them so they are tolerable for him. Without Sam's soul, he can't fully heal. I made multiple gashes at once now. I tried to heal them simultaneously. Because I wanted to heal both sides of Sam's body at once. They don't heal at the same time at first and one is more healed than the other one. So I sliced and did it again until I got the healing just right. I made a big gash on my arm and tried to heal it so the pain was tolerable instead of just healing it outright. I fluctuated my power based on the pain level I felt. I felt it working. I hovered my hand over my arm and healed it.

I practiced this over and over on both arms. The only way I got better is to keep doing it. I couldn't have practiced anything too deep because I'm not sure if I had the skill level to repair it all. I don't just want to stab myself only not to be able to be healed properly. A thumb or palm is one thing a full-on stab is another. I would've practiced what I'm doing now and It had to suffice.

I bled for him.

I remember how I practiced my warmth magic so I could melt the ice block in front of him just right.

I decided to go to an ice block store. I knew it was a magical ice block that Sam was in but I still thought I could make it work. If I negated the magic in the ice and used my body temperature to burn it down at the same time. I would buy a few bring them out and practice them parking lot. I can't create fire out of nowhere. I can't do it with any elemental magic. I can however regulate my body temperature and radiate it out onto the ice block. Being a demon I ran really hot. I let my hands go covered in darkness and then I placed both hands palm down on the block in front of me. I put power into my warmth spell and it radiated out from the center of my hand to the edges of the ice block. I leaned over the ice block and pushed down trying to melt the ice block down evenly. Eventually, I started timing myself to see the quickest I could melt it down. I practiced over and over. My speed got quicker and quicker. At the end of the day, my hands were the problem. From the ice and extreme temperatures combined, they were in pain. The blisters were huge and red from frost nip. My healing did the best it could. But my hands were in bad shape and took a day of healing sporadically.

I burned for him.

Then I started gathering souls for him. Sam tells me I need to steal souls from Thorne so he can sustain his body once he is free. Thorne is the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins council and of hell in general.

"How many souls do you have now? Sam asks me.

"Around one hundred thousand," I say.

"That is not enough," Sam says disheartened.

"I want you to steal two hundred thousand from Thorne. It's close to time." He says urgent.

"That means I have to touch him for a longer amount of time than I'd like. I say disgusted.

"I've only been stealing two thousand at a time," I say panicked.

"Wildflower, it will be fine."

"I'll think of something," I say even though I don't want to do this. "What if he doesn't have that many souls If I get caught he will kill me and you'll still be stuck."

"Calm, take a breath it will all work out." He says trying to reassure me.

When I got back to the courtyard I went to find Thorne at his house. I knocked on his door and he saw me and he was a little shocked. He opened the door further to let me in and I threw myself into his arms and fake cry a slobbered mess. I made sure our skin touched in places. He puts his arms around me and rubs my back.

"What's wrong Xirasti?" I start fake crying harder. He tried to pull me away but I gripped tighter. Halfway there. I moved my head so that my lips were touching his neck and I breathed the breath I cried on him. Thorne had wanted me for some time now. I just hadn't reciprocated. This should get him to stay put. He tried to pull away again but I gripped him tighter. Almost there. I nudged my nose against the side of his neck and sniffled. I pretend I'm breathing him in. My breath skimmed his neck on my exhale. All done. I right myself rubbed my eyes. 

"Thank you I needed that," I say and then leave his house.

I sacrificed for him.

I deceived for him.

I stole for him.

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