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Queen Emelia's POV:

Time would continue to pass.

Even with the King taking on a mistress and with his constant flirting at court, I do my best to act as if I do not notice.

It is the only choice I have.

He still came to my chambers but something had changed between us. It was no longer an act of love but a task to produce heirs. He no longer visited out of desire. I heard word of him leaving often, taking a horse and leaving the castle.

His mistress prances about at court, dancing with the ladies who search for suitors. I did my very best not to even react and I avoided her as much as possible, keeping my head held high and taking care of my children.

I had given birth to two more children in the past few years.

Two more boys.

Even this news was not enough to heal the broken marriage we now found ourselves in. In the beginning I would dine with the king, making small talk and decisions as we ate. Then he would go about his duties for the day. I would spend my days maintaining the household and looking after the children. Now, I spend all my waking moments alone, surrounded by my guards or ladies while Tobias flirts openly with the women at court.

I would secure secret ways on how to flee if necessary, setting goals, aside, and speaking with households, that would keep me in secret if I needed to run. It was my main duty to serve my King.

Now my main goal, although I would not say it to another soul, would always be my children.

I grieved the life and love I'd once kept so close to my heart.

And during the times, and which icy flickers of the man he used to be, I must remind myself of what he had done to me.

Of the heartbreak I felt when he brought his mistress to court.

All but replacing me in every way, but ruling.

As she was not of Royal Blood, she could not take this role, even if King Tobias decided to foolishly grant her titles. It would cause an uproar. Or worse. The citizens of Keotsa could call for her execution. And his. There would be nothing I could do to stop it.

Deep within my heart, I wonder if given the chance, would I even bother?

I'd gifted him with children.

We separated due to the plague.

I raised these children for a  month away from their father only to return from court and have them ripped away.

When I had first met him, I never could've guessed he could be so cruel. So cold to a woman he claimed to love.

King Tobias's POV:

Walking through the stone halls of the castle, I am halted when Kel makes his way over towards me. The nights bring their hands to the handles of their swords, on instinct.

" It is quite all right gentlemen, it is just my messenger." I tell them

They place their hands back at their sides, giving a respectful nod.

"My King, the Lady Melissa requests an audience."

"Tell her I shall speak with her later. I have urgent matters I must attend to."

" My apologies my King, but I am afraid I must insist, as does she." He says

I tilt my head at him, a warning look.

" as to what reason has she requested me?" I ask

" It is a delicate matter, Your Grace."

Walking over to one of the doors adjuster for him to follow and we enter the unoccupied meeting room.

Kel steps inside with me, and I turned to him as soon as the doors closed.

"Speak." I tell him

"Lady Melissa is with child, Your Grace. She has given verbal assurance that it is your child, that she has taken no other."

The joy I feel is suddenly replaced with dread.

Another living child means competition for my heir.

To secure the throne, my own child will have to slaughter the others so they will not be rebelled against.

" You will not breathe a word of this to another person or I will have you sent to your death, do you understand me?"

"Yes, Your Grace."

Now, with an even larger situation to deal with, I tell Kel to give word to the executioner to hold off and send the traitors back to the Tower for now. As they rebelled against the kingdom, it was my duty to oversee the justice passed on.

With a frustrated sigh, I turn around and head to a different spot, making my way towards Lady Melissa's chambers.

She stands when I enter the room from where she sat looking out the window. I can tell already she is a bundle of nerves.

"Tell me true, are you pregnant?" I ask

"Yes, Your Majesty."

She looks at the ground.

"Is it mine?"

"Indeed, Your Majesty."

I feel the weight of the situation upon my shoulders.

I know that regardless of my feelings, I know my duty.

Taking her hand in mine we walk over to the window.

My arms wrap around her, cradling her back.

We stare out at the fog coated mountains.

In one fluid movement I cover her mouth with one hand and remove a long silver dagger from its sheath.

She begins to struggle but I hold her tightly.

Her screams muffled by my hand.

My heir cannot compete with a bastard child.

Putting the blade up to her throat, I slice.

Blood pours out from the open wound.

I catch her, carrying her to the bed.

I watch, eyes stained with tears as she chokes on her own blood.

Her hands desperately cup the wound.

It is of no use.

She takes her last breath and lies still.

Guards burst into the room, rattled by the noise.

I turn to see them, swords in hand.

They set them down as they recognize their King.

"Bury her in the woods. Clean this mess and tell no one of it."

With that, I leave the room and scrub my memory of it all.

As heartless and cruel as it may seem, it was necessary for the safety of my children.

I must do whatever it takes.

No matter the sacrifice.

That is what it means to be King.

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