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Queen Emelia's POV:

I sit poised as I had been for hours as the painter stands, brush in hand, painting my portrait. I had been within this room all day as he went about painting the portraits of the twins, and now myself. Luckily, the wet nurse is taking the twins, which gave me time to do my own. King Tobias had decreed for new portraits to be made for their estates. My heart breaks even further knowing my own children will be ripped away from me soon. I shove the sadness away, keeping my head high, smile wide.

"It is done, Your Grace."


"Thank you, good sir." I say as I make my way over

I am stunned as I scan about the canvas.

He'd detailed everything so elegantly from the stunning blue sparkles of my dress to the waves in my curls.

"This is exemplary." I tell him

"You honor me, Your Grace."

"Set them somewhere safely to finish drying and then prepare them for travel. The twins leave in only a few days." I tell him

With that I exit the room.

Then the day comes, the one I dread the most.

I spend the day moving about to be certain we have all that is required of their travel. I check in with the servants making certain all blankets, clothing and so on are in the coach.

Now, standing beside King Tobias, we watch along with the rest of those in attendance, as the coaches pull away.

And with them, the future of the kingdom.

I keep my head held high as I sit upon my throne beside my husband, as he attends to the matters of court. Within the next few hours, a handful of gentlemen are arrested on suspicion of attempted rebellion against the King. The crowd of onlookers watched and in stunned silence as man after man flowed through and shackles. Some even seem surprised as their fellow friends or family were those held responsible.

My messenger, Sir Perva enters my chambers where I'd been pacing about, unsure of what the future may hold.

"I come with the urgent news you requested, Your Grace. Lady Raven has been found guilty on all counts. As punishment her title as Lady in Waiting has been revoked and she has been banished from court."

I stand there, taking in this news.

She's already been cast off?

She betrayed me, found guilty...

Sir Perva awaits for a response.

Realizing I have yet to speak, I thank him.

"Have the rest of my ladies questioned as well. Increase the amount of knights posted throughout the castle. We must do everything in our power to avoid such a disrespectful action to occur again." I order

He bows.

"Yes, Your Grace."

As unfortunate as it is, I must know everything that goes about in the castle. My ladies represent me and I represent my King.

As if on cue my other ladies are announced and the door to my chambers opens. They flood in, curtsying.

"I have received word of the situation regarding Lady Raven." I tell them

They cling to one another, preparing for the worst.

"She has been found guilty on all counts and has been banished from court. If any of you are to contact her, you will be committing treason and you will be arrested and kept in the tower pending your execution." I tell them

They stare, wide eyed.


Never in my time as their queen, have I ever spoken to them in such a way. Granted, I never needed to until now.

I've already lost one of my ladies. I don't want to lose another.

King Tobias's POV:

The doors to the dining hall open.

"Announcing King Tobias, Ruler of Keotsa, Guardian of Blackstone, Commander of The Archers of Blackstone!" A man shouts

The crowd of onlookers turn and bow or curtsy as I make my way through to my own chair. The sounds of violins begin to play again and I watch as the people chat or dance. Servants are busy at work pouring into the room with trays full of food. They set them down upon the tables, bowing or curtsying in front of the nobles or royals before them, out of respect.

The atmosphere is electric as Queen Emelia steps forward onto the dance floor. Heads turn as she commands the attention of everyone around her, the royal blue seeming to make her glow. She twirls gracefully with Lady Grace and Lady Anya. The flickering candlelight cast a soft glow on their radiant faces, and the golden chandeliers above sparkled like a thousand stars in the night sky. Queen Emelia spins gracefully and her ladies soon join her, circling the floor and one another. They laugh and whisper as they dance around the hall, happy and free.

A trumpet begins to play and the dance ceases.

Queen Emelia makes her way quickly to her throne and her ladies move out of the way to their established seats. The crowd continues to move out of the way as a man enters the room. The gentleman makes his way towards me, bowing.

"My King, I come with urgent news. There is a large fight breaking out in the town square. The library has been set ablaze along with a few of the houses of the nobles." The man says

The room erupts full of anger and questions, people desperate for answers. I shout for silence. The room begins to quiet down.

"Have patience and be calm, my people and together we shall have answers." I tell them

I turn to one of the knights standing beside me.

"Send a group of 20 to clear out the instigators. They will be sent to the Tower immediately. Gather another 15 to aide with the fires. Clear out as many citizens from the area as possible then deal with the blaze. Whatever damage is done will be repaired." I command

The knight steps forward and bows.

"As you command, Your Majesty." He says

With that he gets to work sending a handful of men with him.

As not all those within the dining hall can attend, he takes the handful he had and exits to recruit as many from their posts as possible. The rest shall remain here to guard.

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