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King Tobias's POV:

Entering my study, I walk over to my desk that holds dozens of letters on top of it. Since we could not hold any council meetings, every issue had to be addressed by letter. Each letter I received showed that the plague was spreading. The castle of Cual had already fallen. Every lord and lady inside had caught the plague. One by one they would fall. The castle staff had stayed out of duty for their Lord. This would be a fatal mistake as they too would fall ill and die. Riders would be sent out to burn the bodies and bury them. Riders were sent out every day to the town to take away the dead. It started as a few. Even with everybody kept in their homes, people were still catching the illness. I sent staff to be sure to keep the castle as sealed as possible.

Perhaps I should send the Queen away to a different estate.

If she falls ill, so shall my heir.

I turn to Kel who sits writing a letter, quill in hand.

"Kel, send for Queen Emelia."

"Yes, Your Grace." He says bowing before exiting

I walk over to the desk, opening one of the letters.

Lady Elva, mother of Queen Emelia has passed. Falling ill with Grey Fever in the beginning of the week. Regardless of our efforts, Herzing fever would continue to rise, and she would pass away a few days later, early in the morning. Her funeral shall be held within the next few days. Should the queen find herself with the ability to travel. If not, her remains will be cremated and we shall send an urn for Her Grace.

I let out a sad sigh.

The Queen may never survive this.

A few moments later the door to my chambers opens.

My knight, Sir Carver, enters.

"Her Grace, Queen Emelia, Your Grace." He says

Bowing quickly he returns to his post once Queen Emelia enters, closing the door behind him. Queen Emelia walks closer to me. She stands there in the candle light in an elegant blue floor-length dress. Her stomach has grown quite large in the past few weeks.

She's glowing.

My heart pangs as I know I am about to break her heart. Walking over I place her hand in mine. She walks with me over to the chairs, making sure to be careful as she sits.

"I am happy you have called for me, Tobias. There is great news I wish to share with you, Your Grace." She says

I smile.

"Do share, my love."

"The maester had me examined this morning. We are to have twins! There are two babes growing inside me." She says excitedly

Standing I move to her, wrapping her in my arms, careful to to put pressure on her stomach. Smiling I place my hand upon her growing stomach.

Two babies.

"There is more." She tells me

"Waste no time, do tell me."

"One boy, one girl."

She smiles almost as much as I.

"You have given me my heir, and blessed me with a daughter."

The sinking feeling returns.

The situation has gotten even more dire.

She is carrying my heir, the future of my kingdom.

"Are you feeling well?"

"Yes, Your Grace. I only wish they could be here sooner!"

"Be patient, my dear. They will arrive soon enough." I say

"I know."

"There is something I must tell you too, and I must warn you it is unfortunate news. I'm very sorry to tell you this, but your mother has passed from Grey fever. You were invited to attend the funeral, but it is unwise for you to travel in this condition."

Tears roll down her face but she makes no sound.


When she does speak, her voice shakes.

"Thank you for telling me. May I write to my father?"

I shake my head.

" we cannot risk anything happening to you or the children. Once the plague is gone, and this nightmare is over, you're welcome to visit them." I inform her

I stand and extend a hand.

" no you must go get your rest." I tell her

She seems stunned at first that I would send her away so quickly.

" It is quite all right. I will send for you again later. For now there are matters I must attend to."

Taking her hand in mine, she groans a little bit as she gets up. Seeing the worry on my face, she reassures me that she's all right. Keeping one hand in mine to help her balance she curtsies as best as she is able. Opening the door to my chambers, she exits and I see her knight, who stood in front of the door moves to follow.

Kel re-enters a few moments later.

" What I am to say to you, you are not to breathe to another person, or you will be put to the sword." I warn him

His eyes widen a bit at this as I have never spoken to him this way before, or anyone for that matter. I only spoke like this traders in enemies. He nods quickly in agreement.

" I am loyal to you as always, my King."

I feel a dread creep over me as I know what I must do. It shatters my heart as her husband, but I must do my duty as King.

" You will need to take note of this." I say

Picking up parchment and a quill, he dips into the ink and waits.

" Within the fortnight, Queen Emelia as well as Lady Anya will be moved upstate along with her own guardsman, a wet nurse for the child and ladies to help with the birth. The ladies are to leave as soon as the babies are born."

I wait whilst he scribes.

The room fills with silence, except the scratching of the quill on the paper. Once he has finished, he looks back up at me.

" The estate is to be thoroughly cleaned and each person who is packed is to be thoroughly examined. They will all be confined until the Queen is ready to be moved. Those who are chosen will take their time on the journey as she is carrying two of my children. One is the future heir of this kingdom."

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