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Queen Emelia's POV:

I lie in bed asleep when the door opens.

Startled, I set up grabbing the knife I keep hidden under my pillow, holding it out, word, ready to attack.

Kel stumbles backward, alarmed.

Gathering himself quickly, he bows.

"Your Grace, my apologies for waking you at this early hour. King Tobias requests you to meet in the Throne Room as soon as possible. I've sent for Lady Anya to prepare you."

"Thank you sir." I tell him

He bows before exiting.

Lady Anya enters moments later carrying an elegant light blue dress. She curtsies and lies it on the bed. I asked her if she knows why the king has called for me, but she tells me she does not know. She does inform me that the situation within the town has not improved but worsened. She makes quick work of vending downward, so I can step into the dress. Sliding it gently up and over my frame, I hold the dress so she can tie it. Brushing my fingers through my curls, she grabs the shoes and helps me put them on my feet. Soon we are out the door and making our way towards the throne room. The dark hallways are lit only by torch light. It does nothing to brighten the dullness.

Knights stand posted by the door.

The door opens.

"Queen Emelia, Ruler of Keotsa, Guardian of Blackstone!"

Stepping through the doorway, I see King Tobias sitting up on the throne, a handful of guards at each side. making my way up to him, curtsey. He smiles but it does not reach his eyes.

"Your Grace." I say

"Your Grace." He responds

Gesturing for me to sit upon my own throne, he turns to face me.

"My Queen, I have some and you here to inform you that within the fortnight, you and Lady Anya will be moved to Quarth castle. You still have your own guardsman, a wet nurse or two and maidens to assist in the birth of the children. You must remain there until you receive word from me to return. It is for the safety of you and our children that you do not leave the estate."

Her jaw drops.

"My King, forgive me if I may be speaking out of turn, but I would not be safer in some other estate than I am here."

" It is not just your safety that I am worried about. You carry the future King inside you. Be that as it may, it is my highest priority."

Her eyes widened, once sparkling now dull.

She turns her attention towards the others in the room.

"Clear the room. Now." She orders

Everyone nods, bowing to their Queen before making their exit.

She doesn't speak until they have all left.

I can see her face truly fall as the tears well in her eyes.

" Tobias, we have never been away from one another. Are you sure this is what you desire?" She asks

" My desire does not matter in this situation, and neither does yours. We must do what is right for the kingdom. I know you understand this. No you must go prepare yourself. Trust in this my wife. We will see one another again."

Pulling me in, he kisses me.

"Now go."

Feeling my heart break inside me, I stand and curtsy before making my exit. When I re-enter my chambers, Lady Anya is already at work packing away dresses inside an assortment of chests. Hearing the door open she turns, curtsying. I look around the room that has been my home for many years. Now I was to be sent away. Lady Anya now looks worried, walking over to me, gesturing for me to sit down. I try and reassure her but she tells me I have paled. Regardless of my assurance, she disappears to fetch a maester. The gentleman enters quickly a few long minutes later. With a quick bow he gets to work examining me and asking me questions on how I've been feeling.

" it is true I have gotten quite a bit of upsetting news as of late but I assure you, I will be quite all right." I say

" Your Grace, I must examine you to be certain. Lady Anya if you can grab some pillows and prop them behind the Queen."

Lady Anya does as she is instructed.

The maester, Sir John, tells me to lie back as gently as possible.

Placing my hands flat behind me, a lie back slowly.

I hear the sound of him grabbing the metal speculum. I move my dress up as best I can to help aid John. Thanking me he gets to work and I went to bed as he inserts the blade. I cry out a bit as he opens the device widening my cervix. Alarmed, he looks back up at me, asking if I'm okay, telling me he did not mean to cause any pain. I reassure him once again this time out of guilt, as the truth was that this was quite discomforting.

I do hope the babies are alright.

They must be.

They will be.

Other than the common sickness, I haven't had much issues in this pregnancy so far.

I have to remind myself over and over to breathe as I wait for John to answer the question running through everyone's mind.

He disappears between my legs for a good long few minutes. Sitting back up, he removes the device as careful as he can. I relax only a little bit, my nerves still buzzing as we wait and anticipation for him to speak. With a relieved sigh, he reassures me that both babies are growing just as they should. He tells me that they are just as beautiful as the last time he's seen them and that it shouldn't be long before they are born.

"How long?"

"A month or so, Your Grace."

"Thank you, sir."

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