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Queen Emelia's POV:

I sit in my chambers alone reading in the sunlight.

The two ships, The Carbeo and The Wrath, emerged from the mist like ancient giants awakened from slumber. Their towering masts reached towards the heavens as if defying the natural order of the sea. The captain of The Carbeo, a weathered sailor with salt-crusted whiskers, stared fiercely into the eyes of his adversary.

With cannons roaring and waves crashing against their sturdy hulls, the battle began. The sea trembled beneath their furious might, as fiery projectiles and the stench of gunpowder filled the air. Men fought valiantly, their hearts ablaze with a desire for victory, their souls tethered to the fate of their ship.

As shots found their marks and wooden planks splintered, The Carbeo lurched and listed, wounded by the relentless assault. The Wrath, driven by an insatiable hunger for triumph, stood firm and unyielding. The sea turned crimson with the blood of fallen sailors, the relentlessness of war leaving no room for mercy.

Then, with a deafening crack, The Carbeo succumbed to its wounds. Amidst the cries of the doomed, the once proud vessel plummeted into the abyss, swallowed whole by the unforgiving waters. The Wrath, triumphant but scarred, floated amidst the wreckage, a lone survivor in a sea of sorrow.

And so, the story of The Carbeo and The Wrath will forever echo in the ocean's depths, a tale of valor and demise, a reminder that even the mightiest of ships can meet their tragic end at the hands of the tempestuous sea.

Lady Anya walks over to me, handing me a pillow which I put behind me for more support.

I still had yet to hear word from King Tobias.

I'd fallen asleep simply from exhaustion.

I try to keep my wits about me and wait patiently.

It takes everything in me not to leap out of my chair when the door to my chambers opens for the second time that day.

Kel steps into the room.

"Your Grace." He says bowing

"Yes?" I ask

"King Tobias has requested your presence in the Throne Room."

"Very well." I say

I turn to Lady Anya.

"Please take this time to care for yourself. I will call for you in the evening." I tell her

She smiles.

"Yes, Your Grace."

Messenger Kel exits and I make my own way out of my Chambers and into the hall. A knight approaches and explains that he is to accompany me. Together we walk through the winding stone walls, only lit by torchlight. The windows had since been sealed, the wood closing off all sunlight and the world along with it. Taking a few left turns and a few right turns we make our way into the large section of the castle reserved for both the public and the royals. Normally, during pressing matters, the large stone structure would be full of the citizens of Keotsa, standing facing their king, who would be sitting on his magnificent silver throne.

Instead, it is just him, and a few nights gathered around him.

"My beloved wife. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. The town needed to be secure as well as yourself." King Tobias says

I make my way up to the throne, curtsying to him.

"It is quite alright. I must admit I was quite concerned when we rode through town." I say

He nods.

"A bought of Grey Fever had begun to spread across Ascot. I decided it best to shut the Kingdom and castle in hopes to avoid the spread." He says

My hand flies to my mouth in shock.

My other to my stomach where the babe still grows.

The deadliest plague to ever rage upon our lands. We were blessed to never see it in our lifetime...until now.

King Tobias steps closer to me, placing his hand on top of mine on my stomach. Tilting my head up, his eyes meet mine.

" It is my duty to keep you safe. To keep you both safe."

I smile, trying to blink the tears from my eyes.

"You are the best husband I could ever wish to have. I know we are safe under your protection, my beloved."

Time would continue to pass, and my room womb would continue to grow. I would spend most of my time alone in my chambers with Lady Anya to keep me company. We would spend her time reading, sewing and dancing. Lady Anya would keep me as updated as she could as to what was going on in the town although I felt she might've kept some things to keep me from becoming upset. Gray fever had taken the lives of dozens within the first few weeks since I've been confined to the castle in the towns, people were confined to their homes. Hunters would leave the safety of their homes and be brought out to the woods together food for the town. The food will be brought back on carriage. The hunters would continue to stay in the woods, bringing back as much as they could to help the town. I had spent the roughest part of my pregnancy alone spending those time in bed, unable to stand due to the dizziness and nausea that was brought up on me. Soon the morning illness would fade away.
The body count would continue to rise as the king did everything in his power to keep the people calm and at bay. Deals were struck by other towns in kingdoms to help provide food and materials.

Regardless, of the attempts made, the body count would continue to rise in to the hundreds.

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