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King Tobias's POV:

The door to my chambers opens.

Messenger Kel enters the room.

"What is it, Kel?" I ask

The Queen must be on her way.

Kel, a man of four decades stands there looking as if he would rather be anywhere else. His face is pale, eyes wide with uncertainty and some fear. Instantly the mood shifts.

Kel bows.

"Queen Emelia has collapsed in her chambers, Your Grace. The maester is on his way."

Without waiting a moment I push past him and make my way through the winding halls towards the Queen's chambers. My heart hammers away as I enter. Lady Anya stand beside the bed, her hand upon the Queen's forehead. Queen Emelia lies there looking quite pale, dried blood around her nose. Anya curtsies. I make my way closer, placing my own hand upon Queen Emelia's forehead. My heart sinks a bit when I feel her skin burning.

At the least it may just be a fever.

A handful of staff are also in the room, staring at their unconcious Queen, worried of the potential illness and future of the kingdom. I order them to exit the room and all obey, fleeing quickly.I turn to Lady Anya, telling her not to leave quite yet. I stare at the blood on her hands.

"What happened since you two entered her chambers, Lady Anya?" I demand

"We went about undressing her. I noticed her nose beginning to bleed so I grabbed her a cloth. I was going to run her a bath when the messenger entered. Before any of us could react, Queen Emelia collapsed. I was quick to protect her head from the fall. She has been still since."

I begin to pace back and forth.

"You may leave now, Lady Anya." I tell her

I watch as she curtsies and exits.
I continue to pace alone in the room.

It feels like an eternity has passed when the maester enters. Wasting no time he bows quickly before remaking his way to Queen Emelia. He gets to work checking her breathing and her fever. I tell him to be thorough, to inspect all of her just in case. The maester, John, nods and continues to examine the ill Queen. I watch closely. When he completes this, he turns his attention back to me.

"It is possible for this to simply be a fever, my King. It is imperative that I get to work to bring this down or else Queen Emelia could sustain permanent damage."

"Do whatever you must. Save the Queen." I say

I turn away, no longer able to look at my wife.

"My King, before I continue with her treatment, I must know. Is it a possibility for her to be with child?"

My memories begin to flash in front of my eyes.

Every tender kiss that led to more.

Every time I called her to my chambers.

For once I truly hope she is not pregnant.

If it is truly just an illness, she can get better.

If she is with child, what if we lose the babe?

What if the babe is born ill?

I begin to pace again before turning back to John.

"It is possible. Please focus on treatment that will not endanger the Queen or possible future child."

With that, I exit the room.

Even as the sun begins to rise in the sky, there is no improvement to the Queen's condition. Calling Kel into my chambers again, I instruct him to send ravens to the Lords. As her husband I hope for Queen Emelia to return to good health. As King, I must prepare in case she doesn't. I make my way to the meeting hall where the Lords have already gathered. They stand as I enter. Making my way to my own seat, we all settle in.

"I have gathered you all for an emergency meeting. The information shared in this room today shall not be shared with another soul on the promise you shall be put to the sword should you break your oath."

The room is silent for a long moment.

"I have gathered you not to receive input but to keep information and if the situation permits it, to share this if the time shall come. If Queen Emelia is to pass, her private funeral will be held the next day. Royals only. The public funeral will be held following the procession."

The handful of Lords nod at this, not comfortable with speaking in the case they enrage me.

"The succession of the crown will fall to Prince Zed, son of Lord Aidan. Husband to my sister, Lady Mae." I inform them

"A wise decision, Your Grace." Lord Sever agrees

The other lords agree, mumbling or nodding.

The door to the room open and a knight steps toward the door, blocking whomever from entering.

"It is unlawful to interrupt the council meeting." The knight says

"Who is there?" I ask the knight

"Lady Anya, my King." The knight says

I walk over to them, the knight stepping aside. I make my way out and close the door behind us.

"Please tell me there is news of the Queen." I say

Anya gives me a joyful smile.

I feel the weight fall from my shoulders.

"Queen Emelia is awake and improving. She is full in her chambers but is alert. She does not seem to remember what happened." Anya informs me

I let out a sigh of relief.

"The world shall not take her from us today." I say

"Your Grace is still competing with fever but she is strong. She will fight." Anya says

I look at the young woman, giving a simple nod.

"I must go to her." I announce and begin to weave my way through the castle towards the Queen's chambers.

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