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Queen Emelia's POV:

The first sensation I feel as I awaken inside my bed Chambers is how much my body aches. Looking towards the window. I see that it is night time. Listening closely I hear the face sounds of the castle staff moving about quietly and discreetly as they were trained to do. I see that I am alone in the room and my heart sinks a bit as I wonder where my dear husband is.

After another moment however, I remind myself that it is no easy feat to rule the kingdom, and the king must be occupied with a stronger matter if he's kept away from me in my time of need.

I look up when I hear the door open to my chambers.

Lady Anya steps in, and I see relief wash over her face when she sees me. She curtsies before quickly, making her way over to me. Her smile is bright, eyes full of joy.

" Your Grace, I am happy to see that you have woken." She says

" Thank you, Lady Anya. Could you search me some water please? My throat is very dry."

She nods and walks over to one of the end tables, grabbing a small glass before grabbing a small closed, metal container, full of water, pouring one into the other before walking over to me and handing it to me.

Lady Anya curtsies again.

"Shall I alert the King for you?" She asks

"In a few moments, yes."

A flash of concern moves across her face.

"Are you alright, Your Grace?"

I sit back down on the bed, the feeling of dizziness not seeming to fade. I close my eyes tightly and try to focus on breathing. Lady Anya stands close by my side, ready for anything. Instead however, the feeling slowly begins to pass. I stare at the young woman next to me. We'd gotten very close in the past three years since I'd first arrived. She is probably my closest friend both at court and in private. My heart breaks a bit seeing her so scared.

"I am alright, Lady Anya. Just a few minutes and then I'll be ready." I say trying my best to reassure her even as I struggle to catch my own breath

"Of course, Your Grace." She says dutifully but she looks uneasy still

I sit stuck as I wait. The minutes pass and I begin to feel almost normal. My whole body still aches with pain. I realize that I'm still not sure as to what happened.

"How long have I been asleep, Lady Anya?"

She looks down then back up at me.

As if she doesn't wish to answer.

I can feel my nerves begin to rise with worry.

"Speak, Lady Anya."

"Three days, Your Grace."

I feel the shock wash over me like cold water.

I have been lying in my chambers, unconscious for three days?

Quickly pulling myself together, I ask the second question on my mind.

"What of His Grace?" I ask

"His Grace stayed by your side the first night. When you did not recover he sent ravens to as many maesters as he could to help aide you in your condition. There was nothing could be done until your fever broke. You were given medicine and now you seem perfect, Your Grace."

I flash her a small smile.

"Do not lie to your Queen, Lady Anya." I say scoldingly

She returns this smile.

"I would never, Your Grace."

In the privacy of the castle and whenever the moment struck, we would often make small teasing jokes to one another. A way to stay sane in the cruelty of the world.

After a few more minutes I allow Lady Anya to tell King Tobias. Soon the two have both entered my chambers.

"My heart, are you alright?" King Tobias asks

"I am improving quickly, my love. I thank you for reaching out to the maesters."

Wrapping me up in his arms, he places a kiss on my head.

"Your fever is gone." He notes


King Tobias turns to Lady Anya.

"You may leave us now, Lady Anya."

She curtsies and exits, making certain the door is closed.

King Tobias turns to face me again and I notice his expression shift to a more serious one.

Slipping his hand in mine he holds tight.

"There is something else you must know. On the second day after...after you had collapsed one of the maesters had examined you. It was found that you were with a babe. One not much bigger than an apple inside you." He says

I sit stunned in silence at this news.

My hand falls to my apparent occupied womb.

I've been blessed with a babe and I didn't even know it?

I'd been with child before.

Accompanying a successful bedding, the woman would have sore breasts, increased tiredness,, feeling ill in the first few stretches afterwards before the next phase. Information that was of the highest necessities to learn before becoming Queen. It is not something taken lightly.

Bringing about an heir is my highest duty. It is something you must be certain of before sharing with a single soul.

"The treatments were meant to be safe."


I clutch at my stomach.



Tears pool at my eyes as I just shake my head. I plead with King Tobias that the maesters must be mistaken.

"I am sorry my dear."

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