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Queen Emelia's POV:

Opening my eyes, I  awaken inside the chambers inside the castle walls of Blackstone in the kingdom of Keotsa . Sitting up in bed I remove the comforter, exposing myself to the cold air. The seasons were beginning to change. Pulling the robe from its hook, I  tie it around myself. Walking over to the window, I'm disappointed when I look out at the horizon and see the dark  storm clouds rolling in, covering the town of Doveport.

My red hairfalls in beautiful curls down my back as my blue yes stare out at the sky.

Today marks my 19th year of life. It is to be filled with celebrations, tournaments, and games. The entire kingdom would be welcome to attend. I had been excited for the occasion but looking at the sky there was a chance that the festivities would be canceled or postponed due to the weather. Sighing,  I take a moment to look in the mirror.

I can't help but think back to five years prior.

Five years ago as a young princess, I stood at the port aboard a ship staring out at the new kingdom before me. It wasn't common to travel to neighboring lands. When I was young,  I spent my days like most princesses did, going to my lessons, whether it be to learn how to entertain guests or ride horses. Now I am a Queen, about to meet the people and explore the lands that would be my forever home.  Only being 14 years of age at the time I was very nervous. My mother had only bore two children- myself and my brother Thomas.

Thomas had grown to be an excellent swordsman spending as much time as he could, between his own lessons to be out in the field, battling whomever was unlucky enough to challenge him. He was kind and would've made a great king. Unfortunately, we had lost him during a small rebellion in town.

Prince Thomas had gone into town to conduct some business for the King, standard duties. Unbeknownst to him, a fight was breaking out at the same time as he was arriving, A handful of the townspeople were unhappy with some of the nobles, and what started as a simple disagreement soon became a slaughter. I was then sent across the seas as planned to wed Prince Tobias. My father was now without an heir for his own kingdom, I was unable to rule being a woman, and it was once again my mothers duty to provide him another son.

Alone and devastated in a strange land, my bad luck would not end there, however, as I too would struggle to provide heirs for the king. In the beginning of our courtship, King Tobias spent as much time as he could with me, providing me company and comfort.

I would not bloom into true womanhood for two years.

As the years passed, and there was still no heir to the throne, the relationship between us grew distant. Only a few months later I would birth a boy but he would pass away a few seasons later from a fever. The news would be delivered to the public a few days later. Our son, Sam would be buried after his funeral procession, buried in the temple where one day I too would be.

Now, placing a hand upon my stomach, I hope once again that my luck will change and I would soon be carrying his child.

My thoughts are interrupted when there's a knock at the door. It opens, and the guardsman posted to my door, enters along with one of my ladies in waiting, Anya.

"Lady Anya, Your Grace." The guardsman announces as he bows.

Anya curtsies.

The guardsmen returns to a standing position before exiting to return to his post, closing the door behind him. Anya, a woman not much younger than I, smiles. Dressed in a beautiful floor length blue dress, her blonde curls fall elegantly down her slim build.

" Are you excited for your celebration, Your Grace?" She asks

"If there is to be one. It looks as if it is going to storm." I reply

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