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Three Seasons Later:

King Tobias's POV:

Entering the meeting hall, the Lords stand at attention and bow. I make my way over to my chair and we all sit.

"The Queen's health has improved greatly. I am pleased to announce that she is once again with child." I announce

The Lords congratulate me and bless us with good health.

"Within the next few seasons we shall have a grand tournament to celebrate the birth of our child."

We speak for a few moments discussing tourneys and such before moving forward with the next events.

"You Grace, there is a matter that has been brought to our attention. The Lords of Ascot have requested for the abandoned castle between Adedal Lake and Belford Forest to become a part of their lands. It has been left abandoned and they wish to restore it to its former glory." Lord Carven says

"We have a pact that the castle remains with Millstone. They claimed it during the Red War. Thousands killed. I shall not allow my kingdom to draw swords with one another when my child is soon to be born."

"My King-" Lord Egel begins

"Do you wish for me to break my treaty and my word with the people of Millstone, Lord Egel?" I demand

"Of course not, Your Grace." He says quickly scrambling

With that the room is full of silence again.

The door to the chambers opens and everyone turns to see who it is. A messenger, dressed in royal blue makes his way to the knight guarding the door. Insisting he must pass on a message to me, the knight turns to face me. I signal got him to step forward.

"My King it is of great sadness that I report the death of your dear sister, Lady Cara of Millstone. She passed upon her birthing bed delivering the young Lord Stevens." The messenger says

I feel a deep pang of sadness.

Lady Cara, my youngest sister.


I take a moment to process this, holding strong in front of my council. I turn to the messenger, thanking him.

"Please give my condolences to Lord Winson and his children. Let him know that should he be in need, we are always willing."

The messenger nods but does not exit.

"Is there anything else sir?" I ask

The young gentleman stumbles out an apology.

"My apologies, my King. There is no way to say this lightly. A plague of Gray Fever has broken out in Ascot. They've closed the castle and shut down travel in an attempt to stop the spread. Dozens have caught ill and passed since it was reported."

Grey Fever.

The worst illness to ever spread across the kingdom in two centuries. It claimed the lies of hundreds of thousands the first time it spread about the world. Citizens and royals alike fell to the illness. First the disease was caught. The person would begin to feel unwell. The skin would begin to pale. The person would begin to vomit uncontrollably and be unable to eat or drink. Often times they were given a merciful death instead of starving or dying of dehydration.

Queen Emelia's POV:

Staring out at the blue sky, I enjoy the crisp breeze blowing across my face. The black stallion I ride atop continues to walk down the hill. My ladies in waiting now included Lady Anya, Lady Grace and Lady Raven. They follow beside me on their own horses.

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