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King Tobias's POV:

Standing in only pants, I turn to Kel.

"Send for Lady Melissa please." I tell him

"Yes, Your Grace."

Standing in my chambers I wait until Kel returns.

The door opens and a young blonde woman enters.

She wears a white dress, the color for nobles.

Her body is thin and firm.

A beauty with stunning green eyes.

She curtsies deeply.

"Your Grace."

Walking up to her, I ask if she knows why she is here.

She nods.

"Yes, Your Grace."

"Are you ready?" I ask

"Yes, Your Grace."

I walk up to her walking behind her and begin to untie the lace.

Her dress falls to the floor.

She is bare, her pale skin touching the air.

Her large breasts, nipples stiff.

Taking her hand we move to the bed.

I lie her down upon the covers. Not wasting anytime I pull her legs apart, climbing atop her. My lips meet hers as my dick meets her entrance. She lets out a gasp as I slide into her slowly. I begin to rock my hips and she lets out a soft moan. Her nails grip the sheets as I thrust, moving faster as the desire courses through me. I begin to breathe heavy, quickening my pace. I kiss her neck as small moans continue to escape her lips. She cries out as I pull back, thrusting hard. I cum, filling her. Pulling out, I lie down beside her.

"Come to my chambers again tonight. Make certain that no one sees you enter or exit." I tell her

She stands and redresses before curtsying.

"Yes, Your Grace."

With that she exits.

Queen Emelia's POV:

The door to the chambers opens and the wet nurse, Nancy, enters with the twins. I smile seeing the sleeping babes. Holding out my arms I take Carson in my arms and move to the rocking chair. I think about the future memories we'll make and what a wonderful and just ruler he's going to be, given the right guidance. I feel a text beg of sadness and tears pool in my eyes when I think about my own mother. She came so close to seeing a world with them in it. I hope at the least that my father is alright and will visit soon.

Turning to the wetnurse I ask how the babes have been.

"They fed well and rested pleasantly. It is as if they already know that they are royalty." She tells me

"Fantastic." I reply

Carson begins to cry and I gently rock him.

"Shh it is quite alright, dear one." I whisper kissing his forehead

Lady Anya enters the chambers, apologizing for being late.

I reassure her that it's all right.

She walks in with a basket full of clean sheets.

I let her go about her business.

I watch as Carson falls back asleep.

Later in the evening, I am summoned to the dining hall.

"Announcing Queen Emelia, Ruler of Keotsa, Guardian of Blackstone!" The announcer shouts

I make my way into the room, surprised that it was full to the brim, full of nobles feasting and celebrating as they did every night at court. Lady Anya had stayed behind to go about her duties. I told her she was welcome to join, but it was not required of her if she decided to stay within the castle walls tonight.

I walk up to King Tobias who sits upon his chair speaking with his advisor. The nobles, bow or curtsy as I pass. I curtsy to His Grace.

" My King."

"My Queen."

I spend the next few hours on and off eating or dancing before I decide to relax upon my own chair beside the King.

"You are fussing too much over the children, my dear. You've been missing time at court." King Tobias says

I am at a loss for how to respond, looking away.

He clears his throat and I look back.

"In any case they will soon be moving to their own estates, where they will be given staff to attend to them. They will have their own fleet of knights to guard them."

A messenger approaches, distracting us from the conversation at hand.

He's separating them and casting them off?

For what reason?

I turn back to face him, but see that he is already deep in conversation with the gentleman who had approached him. I wait I'm trying to look as calm as possible. The man finally walks away and King Tobias turns his attention back to me.

"My King, surely there is enough space here in the castle." I say lightly

He looks at me with no emotion.

Suddenly a smile breaks across his face.

"I have made my decision, wife." He says the last word coldly

"They are my children too."

I hear a groan of annoyance escape his lips.

Looking around we can see heads turned towards us.

They look away quickly.

"This matter is finished. It would please me for you to return to your chambers at once."


The cold glare returns.

I can feel a chill run up my spine.

Nodding, I do as I'm told.

No matter how much I hate it.

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