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Queen Emelia's POV:

I stand in my bedroom whilst Lady Anya ties the back of my dark blue dress. There were no words to describe the joy I'm feeling. A day ago I was confined to a castle with our newborns, never knowing if I was truly ever to go home. Today I brought our babies home where they belong. Lady Anya and I had arrived as the sun began to set. As we rode into town, the streets were alive again. Many familiar faces I'd come to know through the years did not appear.

I do not know how many lives the Gray Fever had taken.

I'd spent many nights terrified one of us would catch it and spread the disease, slaying us all.

Words I would never speak out loud, of course.

Entering the Throne Room, I presented the twins to the King.

As we could not correspond, the babes still had yet to be named.

I watched in awe as King Tobias took his children in each arm, looking at them with pride. Turning to me, he would declare our son to be named Carson and the daughter to be Amee. Although I'd had much different names in mind, I smiled and agreed.

It wasn't a request but a declaration.

Now it was time for the first feast since the plague had shut down everything. Knowing that Amee and Carson are already with King Tobias, I know I have a bit of time. Lady Anya walks over to where I sit and opens a wooden chest revealing a silver necklace coated in diamonds with a dark blue large diamond as the center.

"A gift from His Grace. He wished to present it himself but decided it would go well with tonight's events." She says handing it to me

I smile as I stare at the sparkling piece of jewelry.

It's beautiful.

"Thank you." I tell her

She curtsies before walking around me with the piece, laying it gently upon my chest, hooking the latch. Instead of heels I decide on dark blue flats and with that we exit the chambers and weave our way through the dark stone pathways to the throne room.

Knights stand all about, moving about as security or posted to a spot. Walking up to the door, a gentleman opens it before walking ahead. I recognize his uniform as the Royal Announcer. The previous one had served at court for years. My heart sinks a bit as I realize he must've passed if he'd been replaced.

"Announcing Queen Emelia, Ruler of Keotsa, Guardian of Blackstone!" The announcer shouts

I step into the room, followed by Lady Anya who then moved away to be with the crowd. I make my way as the group of a dozen nobles and towns folk stand in respect to their Queen. I look up to King Tobias who sits upon his throne. Making my way up to him I curtsy. He smiles as do I until I see the babies are nowhere to be seen. Beginning to panic, I scan about.

King Tobias grabs my hand, commanding my attention.

"It is alright. They are in the nursery, dear wife."

I move to sit next to him.

We sit enjoying ourselves as the ladies and lords of the courts danced with one another. After a few songs are played, King Tobias turns back to face me, and asks for a dance.

I light up.

"Right now?" I ask

"Why not?" He replies

Reaching over he takes my hand and we stand.

The crowd clears the area and King Tobias suggests a song.

As the music begins to play, the ballroom comes alive.

In a kingdom adorned with splendor and grace,
Lived a noble couple, their love a dazzling embrace.

With his hand in mine we make our way to the dance floor.

Oh, let me tell you a tale of their majestic reign,
A song of adventure, triumph, and love's sweet refrain.

With each step, we glide across the polished floor, our eyes locked in a playful yet intense gaze.

King Tobias, fierce and wise, a ruler true and just,
Leading with a golden heart, in him, faith and hope trust.

The steps we take are precise and deliberate, intertwined in a harmonious choreography that tells a story of passion and desire.

Though strong was the king, by his side stood his queen,
Emelia, beautiful and kind, a vision serene.

Releasing my hand, he stays in place in the middle of the dance floor whilst I slowly and elegantly spin around him.
Together they ventured through trials untold,
With love as their armor, forging a kingdom of gold.

My eyes always meeting his again. I move to spin again and he snatches my hand, pulling me into him. We spin around one another and step about, moving around the floor.

Their love blossomed like flowers, radiant and bright,
Their souls intertwined, shining in love's pure light.

Our bodies move in perfect synchrony, as if we were both extensions of the same soul.

Their love etched in history, a tale to be told,
A timeless melody of love, stronger than gold.

We circle about, once again in the center of the room.

Pulling away as the music begins to fade, he bows to me.

Smiling, I curtsy.

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