"Janet, honey, if you keep allowing people to take advantage of you, it will keep happening and you will keep attracting those types of people to you. You're going through this because you have not decided that you don't deserve it. As long as you treat yourself as something that can be tossed away, it will keep happening. You need to fix that. Don't let your life end that way."

I looked at the light again as they flashed it and decided to ignore it. I stood up and looked Allison in the eye. "You want to kill me, Allison?" She looked at me. "Go ahead."


"Go ahead. Kill me, but stand in it. Tell the truth first or at least admit it to yourself."

"Admit what?"

"That you hate yourself."

"I love myself."

"Then why do I need to die for you to be happy?"

"Because you don't deserve this life. I do. I'm better than you." I laughed.

"No you're not. I'm the shit. I'm Janet motherfucking Jackson. I created your career. I gave you that small taste of fame and now you want what I have but you can have it because bitch, who are you? A fucking background dancer and one that no one else wants.
Denzel made a career, Guero, Whiley, even Alex, but you, you live in my shadow and that's what you hate. No one loves you for you, they love you because of me and the sad reality is, if you kill me, no one will care about you. You will fade into a tour memory and be nothing but an Instagram tagged on my page." She grew angrier. "But you know, it's okay."


"Because you'll get all the fame you want."

"How?" I moved into the position.

"By being known as the crazy lunatic chick who stalked and tried to kill me. Hopefully, the prison yard chicks love you." The police came into the apartment and from the guest bedroom and grabbed her. They found several weapons on her and arrested her.

"Allison Buczkowski, you are under arrest for the attempted murder and assault against Janet Jackson. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you." The detectives drug her out as she cussed up a storm.

"Fuck you! Fuck you, bitch! I hope you fucking die! I hate you! Fuck you!" I sat down on the couch and released a breath. Denzel came running out.

"Who was it?" He looked at me.


"What? Seriously?"

"Yeah. I couldn't believe it either." He sat next to me.

"Well, what did you say to her that made her so upset? She was cursing like crazy." I looked at him and smiled.

"Don't worry about it." He wrapped his arm around me.

"Well, Ms. Jackson, we got 'em." The detective came over.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it."

"Anything for you. I'm just happy to see you doing good after that crazy ass ex husband of yours." I got up and hugged him.

"Me too, and you were right, I am stronger than I thought."

"You surely are."

"Hey, man." Joey came in. "Thanks for your help with my girl." They dapped each other up.

"Of course, Joey. Anything for an old friend."

"Y'all are friends?" I asked.

"Yeah, we went to the police academy together. Henry and I were going to be the good guys."

"And we did exactly that."

"So, you like the way he works huh, Joey?"

"Yeah. He's one of the best."

"Cool. So if I said, I wanted to add him to the security team..."

"Hell yeah. You up for it, man?"

"Hmmm, protecting Ms. Jackson if you nasty? I guess I can get into." They laughed.

"Awesome. Joey, you handle everything and do what you do."

"Gotcha. Let's get to this interview." They started walking out. "Do you have any previous work in security services?"

"Shut the hell up." They left out.

"So..." Denzel pulled me back onto the couch. "....Eissa's with your mother, the danger threat is gone, and we have free time. What to do? What to do?" I sat on his lap.

"You can give me my surprise."

"Oh yeah...I could do that....hmmm. Maybe not."

"Denzy, don't play with me. I want my shoes."

"Okay, fine. I'll give you the first part and then you'll get dressed so we can go to the rest of it."

"Yay." I jumped up. "Where are my shoes?" He shook his head and softly pushed me towards the room.

He pulled a big box out of the closet and set it on the bed. I immediately began to open it. "Ohhhh. Look at these." I pulled out the shoes. "Oh my god. They are cute." I squealed.

"Okay, get dressed and we'll go."

"Alright, baby." I immediately started getting ready with excitement all through my body.


Welp, there it is.......

..............and the book still isn't over. Hahahahaha.

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