Make It Work

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Emma wakes up bound and gagged on the couch, she panics for a moment trying to remember what happened before it all comes back to her and she looks around and sees that Jefferson is gone so she quickly sits up and notices her fallen teacup from earlier lying on the floor so Emma grabs a pillow from the couch and puts it over the cup to muffle the sound, as she then slams her feet down on top of it and  breaks it with her feet. She then moves herself onto the floor, and grabs a shard of the broken cup, and begins to use it to cut through her tied up hands. 

She then unties her ankles and quickly gets up and tries to open one of the windows, but discovers that they're all locked which makes her take a shaky breath but she notices that by one of the windows, there are two telescopes and she looks through one of them to see it pointed at the hospital but more specifically Cathy's room and when Emma looks through it her heart stops because instead of seeing the comatose Cathy, she sees a very scared and panicking Cathy freaking out in her hospital bed, it looks to Emma like she is screaming and trying to get away from something or rather someone. 

Emma is in shock as she watches it, then she moves away and looks into the other one to see it pointed at the police station but more specifically the sheriffs office and Emma is confused by what they could all mean but before she can think on it for too long Emma hears a noise coming from the room across the hall and she quickly moves away from the telescope and she peeks out of the door to look across the hall and see Jefferson sharpening a pair of scissors, it makes her nervous and so slowly and quietly she creeps into the hallway and slowly begins to creep down the hall, but she instantly freezes as she steps on a creaky floorboard then her flight or fight kicks in and she quickly enters the closest room. 

Which inside Mary Margaret is gagged and tied to a chair and Emma gasps and quickly moves over and starts to untie her "What is going on?" Emma asks her and Mary Margaret cries in relief "Emma, thank God." Mary Margaret says and Emma is so confused as to what is going on "What are you doing here?" She asks the hysterical woman "I was in the woods, trying to get away. Then, this man appeared out of nowhere and grabbed me. Why are you here?" She says replying and Emma sighs and begins to explain "I've been trying to find you. You escaped, remember? How did you get out?" She says and Mary Margaret looks at her confused. 

"There was a key... In my cell, under my pillow. Someone put it there." She tells Emma who is shocked "Who?" She asks her and she shrugs "I don't know. I'd like to know just as much as you." She says to Emma as Emma finishes untying her and now that Mary Margaret is free, they both head for the door with Emma quickly checking the hall and sees that it's clear. Once they do the two of them start down creeping down the hallway together, but they are stopped by Jefferson and this time he's armed with a gun, "I see you found Spot." He says smirking and Emma glared at the man "I've already called for backup. They'll be here any second." She says and Jefferson laughs slightly shaking his head. 

"You haven't called anybody. For the same reason you didn't tell me about her. You don't want anybody to know you're here, which means, nobody does. So, now tie her back up." He instructs Emma and Emma gives Mary Margaret a guilty look before she walks back to the room and ties her back up to the chair "Emma..." she goes to protest but Emma gives her a reassuring look "It's going to be okay." She tells the woman as she gags her again and follows Jefferson into the hall "Your telescope – you've been watching Cathy. Why? Are you the one who's been stalking her with all those flowers? What do you want from her? She's a sweet woman and I think she's been through enough without a stalker." Emma says to him and watches as he clenched his jaw, so that would be a yes, Emma thinks to herself "I need you to do something." Jefferson tells her as he brings Emma to a room with several top hats lining the walls and she is taken aback by just how many hats are in the room. 

"I don't know what you think you're doing, but if you hurt my friend, or you hurt Cathy, I swear I'll make you regret it." Emma warns him and he scoffs "Hurt her? I'm saving her life." He says pointing back in the direction of the other room "and I would never ever hurt Kit-Cathy, never! So don't you dare, ever say anything like that to me ever again." He says to Emma and she realises that it struck a nerve so something deeper must be going on between him and Cathy "How do you figure that?" Emma says to him and he rolls his eyes "Don't play stupid. We both know what happens when people try to leave Storybrooke." Jefferson says to her and she raises her eyebrow. 

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