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The sequel is up!! It's called Timeloop Trouble and you can find it on my profile, here's a little preview XD

Izuku wanted to cry.

"What do you mean, doctor?" Inko asked in that small voice she put up when she tried to put up a brave face, but in reality she was freaking out. Izuku knew that tone all too well, unfortunately. It's not what he wanted to hear right now. He didn't want this to happen, not again. Please, not again.

"You see this here, it's an extra toe joint," the doctor explained, as if Izuku didn't already perfectly know what to look out for. "In people with quirks, like yourself, it's gone. But your son still has it, meaning he's very unlikely to develop a quirk."

Izuku glared at him. This man was despicable. Absolutely despicable! Izuku hated him! Hated him from the moment he met him and for what he had done ever since! How he used corpses, how he manipulated bodies and people and put up this goddamn good doctor act! But being angry at him right now was pointless, wasn't it? He hadn't done those things yet- Well, most of it. Because Izuku had bigger things to worry about.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but your son is quirkless."

Yeah, big shock! Izuku already knew that. And he also knew this meant he'd have an absolutely horrible childhood! One he didn't want to relive again! Okay, big breath. Think. The blast was similar to the one he saw the first time he was sent back in time, but this time he was right in front of it. And he remembered everything, which meant the machine still didn't work like it was supposed to, even if Jikan had gotten a second chance at building it.

Time travel is complicated, he supposed.

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