Chapter 14 - The Trigger Theory

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Dynamight💥: So let me get this straight
Dynamight💥: They're building a fucking time machine

Deku📗: It's not a time machine Kacchan
Deku📗: More like a rewind machine

Uravity🙃: You understand that's still bad, right??

Eraserhead: We're still figuring out what the plans mean exactly
Eraserhead: But that's what it looks like yes

RedRiot♥️: Poor Eri
RedRiot♥️: I hate that her quirk is being used like this...

Shoto🔥❄️: There is still one thing I don't understand
Shoto🔥❄️: Why are Jikan and the Yakuza working together?
Shoto🔥❄️: They have different goals, so why help each other?

Deku📗: Overhaul wants to revert the world back to its quirkless state, right??
Deku📗: Maybe he thinks resetting the timeline can help with that??

Dynamight💥: I still don't get what those losers actually hoped to get out of that machine
Dynamight💥: Like it obviously didn't work the way they wanted it to
Dynamight💥: Plus they'd lose all their fucking memories
Dynamight💥: It's bullshit

Uravity🙃: Maybe that's exactly what it is?? A clean slate??

Eraserhead: We're still investigating several possible scenarios
Eraserhead: Until we know what the machine was supposed to do, we can't exclude anything

Ingenium💨: So if I understand correctly, the machine resetted our timeline and thus wiped our memories, but for some reason we've regained them?

Eraserhead: That's what it looks like

Ingenium💨: But if our timeline, our world, has been reset, does it even exist anymore?

Uravity🙃: What are you saying Tenya-kun??

Ingenium💨: It's possible that the world we wish to return to no longer exists
Ingenium💨: Think about it
Ingenium💨: It is like closing a file without saving it properly, all process and changes have been deleted, reset to its original state, and in this case we have no idea whether we can still recover some of the lost data

RedRiot♥️: But we've been recovering data
RedRiot♥️: We all remember

Deku📗: So that means that either the machine had a defect or it was supposed to work this way

Uravity🙃: But why??

Shoto🔥❄️: A fail safe, maybe?
Shoto🔥❄️: Maybe they intended to keep their own memories but something went wrong?

Deku📗: So there must be some kind of trigger
Deku📗: A glitch in the program we've been exploiting by accident

Eraserhead: Like I said, we don't know the exact workings yet
Eraserhead: And until our engineers figure it out, I want you all to be focussing on the upcoming exams

RedRiot♥️: Noooooo

Uravity🙃: Ugh I hate exams!!
Uravity🙃: Can't you give us a free pass?? We've done all of these before!!

Eraserhead: You're students so behave like it
Eraserhead: If I see any of you fail the practical I'm going to be extra hard during extra classes and that's a promise

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