Chapter 46 - Recalling Memories

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"There's a trick to it?"

Toshinori had called for a teacher's meeting at the end of the day to explain what he knew about Jikan. What their goal was, what they had told him when he'd been taken. It was a shock to those who already had their memories back because, apparently, nobody had known he was there when the raid took place. Izuku had already apologized a thousand times over, but All Might had waved it off. The young heroes were currently going nuts in their group chat though, if Aizawa's plinging phone was anything to go by.

"I swear I'm gonna delete this damn group," he grumbled as he muted it. Nezu wasn't phased by the interruption, simply staring at All Might, waiting for an answer.

"Yes, even those who weren't directly affected by the blast, like you were Eraserhead, can regain their memories," Toshinori explained. "The reason you and the others were even able to remember was because the blast radius was too big. It should've been contained to the chamber I was in, but the quirk factor de-stabilized at the last moment. I'm guessing they were talking about Eri's quirk."

"That's all very interesting, All Might," Shouta sighed. "But come to the point. Can we give our colleagues their past memories back?"

"Yes," Toshinori nodded, his eyes glancing past Midnight for a second. "But I'm not sure whether everyone should have them, considering...the circumstances."

He could tell Aizawa instantly got what he was saying, but the other teachers were left in a state of confusion.

"What circumstances?" Present Mic asked.

"Not everyone in this room lived to the day of the blast," Aizawa stated. That instantly created silence.

"There was an uh... An intense period of violence and instability," Toshinori tried to explain. "All For One tried to take Japan down, and he almost succeeded, it's just... In stopping him, a lot of lives were lost... And I think that knowing your fate, knowing how you died in another timeline, is..."

"It will affect our actions," Nezu finished. "It might compromise mental stability."

"Yes," Toshinori sighed.

"What about our students?" Midnight asked. "Do they all survive?"

"The war?" Toshinori asked, and that specification was heartbreaking on its own. Being a pro hero is a risky profession. You throw your life on the line every single day in order to stop bad things from happening to good people. Strangers, people you will never know. So maybe... Maybe they didn't need to know the answer, not right now, not today. It's not for nothing people often say that ignorance is bliss, after all.


"I've been...what?" Izuku breathed as All Might explained what he knew to them. They were gathered in the Assembly meeting room within the dormitory, after the faculty meeting took place.

"You've been subconsciously triggering their memories," All Might repeated. "All of you, really."

"How?" Katsuki asked, now thinking back on everything, trying to put it into a different perspective. How had he triggered it to happen when he didn't even know he was doing it in the first place? They'd all come out of the blue. Or rather, they were triggered by external factors, situations outside of their control.

"By reminding them of who they are," Toshinori smiled. "By reminding them what's important to them, what they believe in."

"That's so manly," Eijirou gasped.

"That's bullshit," Katsuki said at the same time. "You're telling me I could go down to Mina's room right fucking now and tell her some bullshit like Alien Queen is the best and she'll just magically regain her memories?"

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