Chapter 49 - Clearing the Mind

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Tenko was livid.

Not only did Himiko use him to take over the League and manipulate all his pawns like they were her own- No! No, she also had to go and convince the doctor- the one man that was supposed to be at his side, the one that was supposed to help him no matter what because he swore loyalty to his father, promised him to make Tenko the next one in line- that very same doctor, to betray his father and give her All For One, a quirk Tenko was promised long ago.

Hawks watched as he disintegrated everything in the room, going on an absolute rampage. He'd been told Shigaraki acted like a man-child most of the time, at least, after the League of Villains started gaining more fame and power. He'd never been involved in any of their large scale attacks, like the USJ or the training camp incident, and the only reason he was even involved now was because the threat became too big to be ignored. Shigaraki, on the other hand, was still a man-child from the looks of it. That shouldn't be all that surprising though, cause he'd never actually been the leader the Hero Commission was after.

He doubted this man would be able to pull off the things Fumikage told him he'd do, surprised they even managed to get him on their side to begin with. Yeah, Hawks didn't know what his pupil or his friends saw in this destructive nutcase, but he was willing to entertain the thought. He could use this, after all.

"Hey, uh, buddy, you almost done?" he asked, noticing Shigaraki had gone from destroying objects to disintegrating pieces of wall. "I get that you're angry and everything, but this isn't-"

"Shut up!" Shigaraki hissed, glaring at the half-bird. Tenko was seething. No matter how many things he destroyed, he just couldn't get rid of the feeling. He cursed as he started scratching at his neck in frustration. He had no way of finding Himiko or the secret lab the doctor had taken her to, father had never shared that information with him. That didn't matter, though. No- "I'll fucking kill her!"

"Told you this wasn't a good time."

Tenko hadn't noticed Dabi entered the room, but by the looks of it, neither had Hawks, so he mustn't have been here very long. Mr Compress was with him, his mask concealing whatever face he was making at the scene in front of him. Not that Tenko cared. He never wanted teammates. No, father had told him to gather them, said he'd need them in the future. Ha! As if! The only thing teammates got him was being stabbed in the back! He took a sharp breath, trying to calm himself down.

No, that wasn't the case anymore. His new teammates wouldn't be as useless as these ones. His brother wouldn't betray him, use him, stab him in the back and discard him like trash. He was better than these people, and his friends would stand by him, by them, as they conquered this rotten world and destroyed this biased and corrupt quirk society.

"I didn't know you'd be back this soon," Mr Compress started. "You said you wouldn't be back for months- Did something happen?"

So Dabi hadn't told him about Himiko, not yet at least. That's...something. Tenko hadn't expected him to be loyal to him, not when he knew about Himiko's plans, but here they were... Yeah, he could work with this.

"You tell me," Tenko laughed. "Tell me, have you seen Toga lately? I have a score to settle with that bloodthirsty psycho!"

"Toga- What?" Mr Compress stammered, looking at Dabi, who shrugged, before looking back at Tomura. "Shigaraki, she died. Toga is dead- Did the doctor mess with his mind or something? Was there mental backlash or-"

"Nope, he's fine," Dabi sighed. "As far as I know, anyway. And yeah, Toga, not as dead as we thought she was."


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