Chapter 37 - The Truth about Shigaraki Tomura

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Once Sir Nighteye was convinced that this footage was actually real, it didn't take long to pull a team together. The second camera, the one they placed inside, showed a hidden room behind a panel that was partially hidden with crates. The crates were empty, they'd checked them when setting up the cameras, so they wouldn't have to worry about those. No, they just had to discover what was behind the panel that was so important it required frequent visits.

And that's how Eraserhead found himself standing in front of said warehouse next to Sir Nighteye. Sir wasn't an underground hero, and with his background as All Might's former sidekick, he'd earned quite the fame. Still, by some miracle, people didn't seem to recognize him unless he was pictured next to All Might himself. Present Mic had once jokingly called it the Tony Hawks effect when Aizawa had mentioned it, but the black haired man didn't really understand what was so funny about it.

"She left an hour ago, so she shouldn't be returning for at least a day," Sir explained.

"And you're sure there aren't any traps?" Eraser asked.

"Not as far as we know," Sir answered. "We know nothing about the hidden room, though."

"Use your quirk on me, then," Aizawa said. "You'll see what will happen when we enter, what we're searching for."

"You know my quirk isn't as accurate as everyone thinks it is," Sir sighed. "After what happened during the raid on Overhaul-"

"Have you lost confidence in your abilities, Sir Nighteye?" Aizawa asked, slightly amused. "Don't worry. Izuku Midoriya is an outlier in every sense of the word. If this vision doesn't involve him, I'm certain we can trust it."

Sir nodded, turning to face his colleague before using his quirk, Foresight. His eyes widened, immediately darting towards the entrance of the warehouse. No... No, that was impossible. How would she even..? And all this time, too. Did others know? Did her allies know about this change, about this set up? No, probably not... No, she wouldn't need as much blood if they did.

"What did you see?" Aizawa asked, suspicious of Sir's reaction.

"It's best if you see it for yourself," was the only response he got before they started to make their way inside. The warehouse was empty, some crates left to gather dust as the wind made the structure of the building creak. It was clear it hadn't been used in quite some time, or rather, shouldn't be used in its current condition. A perfect location for villains to meet and store their wares. Those were a given, though. It was information they'd gathered beforehand, referenced with similar situations and experiences.

One of the stronger members of their small team moved the crates aside, someone else dismantled the panel from the wall. They were careful not to leave any marks or make too much noise. You never know whether someone would come and check, even if they'd observed no such thing up until now. Aizawa entered the room first, shining his flashlight into the darkness as he stepped forward. The first thing he saw were the stains on the concrete. Some of it was blood, there was no doubt about it. And when he shone a little higher, he discovered its source.

So that's why Sir Nighteye reacted like that.

Aizawa was looking at it with his own two eyes and even he had trouble believing what he was seeing. Because there, right in front of him, bound to a heavy metal chair, cuffed in what he could only assume were quirk erasure cuffs, was Tomura Shigaraki. The leader of the League of Villains, All For One's successor, the biggest villain this generation would see. Yet here he was, bound to a chair, his clothes torn and ripped, showing patches of cuts and scarred skin. There were syringes laying on the ground next to him, broken glass and loose needles. It was a mess- He was a mess.

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