Chapter 50 - Hero Commission

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All Might was already on thin ice with the Hero Commission. The fact he broke countless rules to save people didn't sit well with them. But sanctioning All Might for saving people? That would lead to a public outrage. So their hands were tied, well, most of the time, anyway. Because Nezu wasn't in their good graces either, mostly due to his teaching methods at UA, and now they had to go and inform them that one of the first year classes at UA were in fact time travelers.

Surely nothing will go wrong, right?

All Might had to stay positive!

So why hadn't his legs stopped trembling?

Confronting the Hero Commission with bad news was never a good thing. They would always find someone else to blame for mistakes and problems that arose due to an oversight or their bad governing. But this? Withholding crucial information regarding one of the most pressing cases they were dealing with? Hiding a bunch of time travelers- well not technically time travelers, but they were practically part of the same category- without the intention to report it or act upon their knowledge? All Might wasn't sure he could pull his number one hero card in this case, definitely not now that he'd retired.

And Nezu, well, he looked confident on the outside, but Toshinori was sure he was panicking on the inside. No matter how smart that man is, even he can't evade the commission forever. There was too much history between them to let this slide. All Might feared they might even dispose of Nezu as the principal of UA High. They'd been waiting for an excuse to replace him, this would be the perfect opportunity.

"There's no need to be nervous, All Might," Nezu smiled, as if reading his thoughts. "I have a plan."

"You always do," Toshinori sighed. "But what if it doesn't work?"

"You underestimate me," Nezu hummed. "I've never met an opponent I couldn't outsmart. Today won't be any different."

All Might didn't know whether he said that to assure him or himself, and he didn't want to know either. Part of him was still mad at Shouta for not coming with them, but someone had to stay at UA to teach class 1-A, or act as if they were teaching them something, at least. A better term would be 'control'. Someone needed to stay behind and control class 1-A, to make sure they wouldn't do something stupid. All Might hated the fact Aizawa was the most qualified for that position, not that he would normally envy him for that.

The commission building was big and fancy and radiated the authority they wanted to exert. It was just like All Might remembered it. He also remembered this building would be thorn to shreds by angry civilians and raided by petty thieves and criminals once the country fell into shambles, but he tried not to think about that. They were here so they could prevent that from happening, thank you. Yes, preventing the downfall of Japan and the rise of All For One, that was their goal. Hopefully the commission would see it that way too...

"Ah, mister Nezu, the board has been expecting you," the secretary said as they walked up to the front desk. "Please take these security passes and head to level 6."

"Thank you," Nezu answered, taking the passes, handing one to All Might on their way to the elevators.

"Wait, we can just...go up there? Isn't there supposed to be someone here to guide us there? You know, security?" Toshinori asked, confused.

"When you visit this place as much as I do, you get certain privileges," Nezu stated, as if that was something to be proud of. They rode the elevator in silence and once they were on the sixth floor, Nezu seemed to know the way perfectly. All Might didn't know how many times the rat-bear had been called here to defend whatever decisions he made, but part of him didn't want to know either. Once they entered the right room, they were invited to sit down at the end of a long table. The board sat on the other side of the table so there were a few vacant seats between them. A power move, All Might knew, but a little intimidating nonetheless.

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