Chapter 11 - Intel gathering and Rooftop jumping

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A/N Early update this week cz I'll be going to a con tomorrow XD

Izuku tried to keep the energetic sparks to a minimum as he chased his mentor over rooftops in the darkness of the night, coming to a halt not far from the central plaza of the city. Izuku took a breather, taking a sip from the water bottle he brought along, seeing his supervisor do the same, only his canteen was probably filled with coffee instead of water.

"They're never going to let me live this down, I hope you know that," the dark haired man grumbled, pulling down his goggles so they were hanging around his neck, hidden away in the long, thin capture scarf. "They already teased me with having a favorite."

"Am I not your favorite then, Aizawa sensei?" Izuku smiled. "Besides, I'm sure Present Mic and Midnight will get over it. It's no big deal, right?"

"You're my first intern in a long time, Midoriya. Just be glad I'm willing to put up with your vigilante shenanigans. Other pros wouldn't be this lenient about it"

"You mean you don't want others to have to deal with me," Izuku laughed. "And you know what'll happen, sensei. We both do. No one will get hurt, I promise."

Eraserhead simply huffed, putting his goggles back on as they looked over the now quiet Hosu city. Tomorrow this place will turn into chaos, but they'll be ready for it this time. They had to be. His thoughts were interrupted when his phone started buzzing. Aizawa gave him a glare, but sighed, saying they'll take a few minute break since they'd been patrolling for a while now. Izuku silently thanked him before answering the call, happily greeting his boyfriend on the other side.

"Hi Kacchan! How's your internship going?"

"It's fucking amazing, Mirko is the best," Kacchan told him. "Seriously, who the hell let's their first year interns out on the field on the very first day? I love this woman."

"And here I was, thinking you were gay," Izuku sighed, way too over-dramatic. He could basically hear Kacchan roll his eyes.

"You know what I mean, smartass. How's your internship anyway? Want to tell me who you're interning with yet?"

Izuku glanced aside at Eraserhead, who was still crouched down, peering over the rooftop while occasionally sipping from his coffee. The only reason Izuku hadn't told his friends about this arrangement was because it was one of the conditions Aizawa forced on him if he wanted to intern under him. It was bad enough that his colleagues knew about it, he didn't want his students bothering him with it as well, something Izuku could understand.

"Let's just say I'm in capable hands, okay? There's no need to worry," Izuku smiled.

"...Are you in Hosu?" Kacchan asked, clearly worried even though he wouldn't admit it.

"Yes," Izuku sighed. "Things will be fine, Kacchan. You have to trust me."

"Tch, it's not that I don't trust you, it's just... When have things ever gone according to plan, Deku?" Katsuki asked. "Everything is changing, things aren't the same as we remember them. For all I know Stain is going to impale you with one of his katana's and I'm never seeing you alive again."

They had discussed the possibility of death being their way to escape this place before, but no one was willing to take the risk. Because what if they died here and didn't return to the future? What if they were just...dead? No, Izuku didn't want to think about it, he wasn't going to die here.

"I'm not going to die, Kacchan," Izuku sighed. "Please just focus on your own internship, okay? I'll be fine, I promise! I'll call you right after I've dealt with Stain, alright?"

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