Chapter 21 - Decade of Isolation

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The fact that everyone passed the provincial licensing exam was cause for a big celebration. Aizawa sensei had congratulated them and told them not to make it too late, but everyone knew he wouldn't mind if they stayed up all night as long as they didn't get any noise complaints. And so the party was on! People cheered and chatted, comparing their pictures and laughing at the way they looked, but still being proud of the fact they now all had their licenses.

Izuku smiled as he watched everyone relax in the common room. They deserved to let loose after the tension and stress they went through in the last few weeks. First the exams, then the training camp and the whole kidnapping thing, and now the licensing exam. It was a lot for a couple of high school students, even if half of them were actually already in their twenties and already gained their real licenses a long time ago. Yeah, this was a milestone, a small victory, and Izuku enjoyed watching everyone smile and laugh.

"We need to talk about that power of yours," Katsuki mumbled as he passed Izuku, making the green head tense up again. He didn't let Kacchan pass, grabbing his arm before the blonde could get away.

"Are we really doing this?" Izuku asked. "There's no reason-"

"There is," Katsuki stated, not making eye contact. "Meet me outside in five minutes."

With that he ripped his arm free of Izuku's grip and continued on his way to the kitchen. Izuku frowned, not looking forward to their meeting at all. He knew what this was going to be about: Blackwhip. The first time around it was about One For All, it was the moment Kacchan was finally let in on his secret, their secret from that point on, and it was that moment that they finally became proper rivals. Izuku was sure they weren't actually going to fight this time around, no, Kacchan was probably just going to lecture him about going solo and acting like a reckless little shit.

Nonetheless, Izuku made his way out of the dormitory building a few minutes later, seeing that Kacchan was already waiting for him. He was wearing the same outfit as before, Izuku noticed. His black tank top and loose sweatpants. It was the outfit he wore to their original fight on ground beta, too. Izuku didn't know whether he planned that out or if it was simply a coincidence. Kacchan did own a lot of black clothes, after all. Yeah, it probably wasn't the exact same, but Izuku still recognized it. Kacchan had looked so hot in them on top of him, after all.

"Let's walk," he grunted, putting his hands in his pockets as he turned around, not giving Izuku a moment to catch up to him.

"We're not really going to ground beta, are we?" Izuku asked, trailing behind his boyfriend, who remained silent. "There's no need to go that far, Kacchan. You could've just lectured me about Blackwhip back at the dorm. I mean, that's what this is all about, right? Me not telling you and losing control? Me being reckless?"

Katsuki still didn't answer, making Izuku huff. Guess they really are going to ground beta after all... Was Kacchan actually planning on fighting him again? They'd be grounded and miss out on school! Well, not like they hadn't seen all of those things before but still! Tenya would be so disappointed in them if they fought again, and so would Aizawa sensei! Izuku wanted to avoid angering any more people after the stunt he pulled today and this wasn't helping at all!

"You remember this place, right?" Katsuki asked as they stopped somewhere on ground beta, turning towards a building Izuku recognized all too well. It was the building in which they did their first indoor battle training, their first class with All Might, the first time- "It was the first time I lost."

"In this universe I technically already beat you-" Izuku pointed out, quickly shutting up when Katsuki turned to glare at him. He didn't want to anger him any more than he already was. "Sorry."

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