"Since when did you know about Swarnalekha?" Mihir asked Adhiraj quietly.

"It's been a long time brother," Adhiraj replied curtly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Mihir asks.

"I didn't have proof, Mihir. I don't talk without the proof. No one does," Adhiraj spoke solemnly.

A deep sigh escaped Mihir as he looked at his children, "You all aren't upset your mother left?" He asked.

"Not at all! My aunts are better than her," Sameer replied, rolling his eyes.

Zaira and Swati smiled at him.

The others agreed silently.

"Let's not upset ourselves. I'll make you all some snacks," Mahira smiled, rubbing Rishabh's arm sneakily.

Rishabh smiled lightly at her silent support.


Abhimanyu landed a hard punch on Daksh's jaw.

"Tell me, why did you abuse her?"

He asked, clutching his hair tightly.

"She killed my brother! She made them drive out that day!" Another punch landed on his nose which started bleeding profusely.

"My sister wasn't responsible for that!" He screamed at him.

He knows, that they are the ones who have hurt his Meera the most. They are her real tormentors. The spy he sent did a wonderful job. He not only found out who kidnapped her but the people who tortured her.

And they are going to die brutally.

"You were paid to keep her alive right? Vijay, that bastard paid you right?" Abhimanyu spoke, striking a hammer harshly on his finger.

A blood curdling scream tore out of Daksh as he gasped in pain.

Abhimanyu was like a raging beast. He was so lethal with his force and actions that even his men shivered looking at him.

Abhimanyu slaughters off his entire arm and throws it at the corner of the room. He took a knife and pushed it inside Daksh's scalp. Dragging it across his cheek, he teared off the entire layer of skin from the side of his scalp to his chin.

He didn't knew if Daksh was unconscious or dead, but he still pierced his knife deep inside the other man's eyeball.

"Stop it Abhimanyu!" Lorenzo looked around the room in shock.

The whole room was reeking of blood and death. Blood was splashed everywhere along with pieces of flesh.

With a final kick to the man's chair, he crouched down, panting lightly.

"What the hell are you doing?" Lorenzo asked worriedly.

He has never seen Abhimanyu like this.

"I'll make them pay!" Abhimanyu growled ferociously.

The other two captives were shivering in fear.

Lorenzo whipped out his phone and dialed someone. He thrusts the phone in Abhimanyu's hands forcefully.


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