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Freen woke up when Jasper hit her face demanding for food, groaning she turned her face away from her cat, she needed sleep, she was exhausted. Jasper was constantly demanding food from Freen, he meowed, placed his paw on Freen's face to wake her up.

" Jasper not now, Please Dada is tired ". Freen held Jasper close to her chest, thinking that the furry creature will fall back asleep but that didn't happen. " Are you serious right now ? ". Freen peeked at him, opening one of her eyes, the cat hissed and jumped off the couch.

" What time is it ? ". Freen groaned and sat up, It was just 7 a.m. in the morning, after seeing that she slumped on the couch again. " Jasper it is too early for that ". Freen whined and kicked her feet, she was frustrated due to lack of sleep. " Are you really that hungry ? ". Jasper blinked a few times and then meowed in response.

" Well we have to buy your food ". Freen got up from the couch and headed towards the spare washroom, she didn't want to open that bedroom door. Freen even bought new clothes and placed them in the cupboard of her office.

It took Freen 20 minutes to get ready, Jasper was now growling in anger, wanting food, Freen knew that she had to rush to the nearby store right now. Thankfully for the time being, she did have Jasper's biscuits with her so the cat was now fine and could manage his hunger.

At the store, after buying cat food for Jasper, Freen also wanted to purchase a comfortable bed for him as well, Jasper struggled to fall asleep on the couch yesterday so it was better to get him a bed. While she was selecting the bed, her eyes fell on dog toys on the other aisle.

" Well we should buy a toy for your brother, if we are buying you something, Don't you think ? ". Freen asked Jasper who was comfortably sitting in the shopping cart, he looked up and inspected the toys and meowed in response. " Do you know what I am talking about, Jasper ? ". Freen chuckled looking at Jasper, it was not like that little creature knew his brother.

The cat ignored looking at Freen and meowed, Freen chuckled again and searched for a toy for Bonbon. She settled with a bone stuffed toy, Jasper agreed with his Dada. After paying for their items, Freen and Jasper were heading back to their house, Jasper ran to the living the instant Freen put him down.

Freen knew that Jasper needed food so she didn't waste any time in emptying a can of cat food in his bowl. " Here you go ". Freen smiled and patted the cat's head while he wasted no time in devouring his food. Freen mindlessly played with Bonbon's toy, thinking how to give him the toy.

An idea popped into her head, she quickly got up from her couch, fetched her car keys, before leaving she realised that Jasper would be alone. " Do you want to go with Dada ? ". Freen asked Jasper who was already half asleep on his new bed. Freen knew that the cat needed his nap so she didn't disturb him for long.

" Take care of the house while I am out ". Freen was still a little concerned about leaving Jasper alone.

Freen wanted to check on Becky, she knew that if she tried to talk to her again, Becky will just throw her out again. Her heart still longed for her, it wanted to know that Becky was alright or not, she knew she had hurt Becky multiple times with her actions and now she can't bear it.

With much thinking, Freen gathered up much courage to text Becky to check up on her, she was already prepared to be ignored, but it would mean a lot to her if Becky would just read her messages.

To Becky,

Good morning, Becky <3

Don't skip your breakfast today

Eat something before going to the hospital

Don't overwork yourself

Take care

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