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It was 2 a.m. in the morning, Becky had finally finished her shift at the hospital and was too exhausted. She remembered the way Freen asked to call her if she needs a ride home but unfortunately Becky had to drive back her brother's car.

She still thought about texting Freen to let her know that she will be going home alone, driving by herself.

To Freen,

I just finished, I will be driving back Richie's car, don't worry about me :)

Becky didn't wait for her reply as she thought that her girlfriend would be asleep by now, however, she heard her phone ring and it was Freen who was calling her.


Becky :- Why are you awake at this time of the night ??

Freen:- ( whispered feeling embarrassed ) I was waiting for your text.

Becky:- Freen you should be sleeping....

( Becky tried to hide the fact that Freen staying up just to talk to her made her feel giddy inside, she was feeling butterflies in her stomach ).

Freen:- Why ? Are you not happy after hearing my voice.

( Becky's breath hitched, it was the opposite of what Freen thought, hearing her voice made her forget about feeling exhausted. )

Becky:- Freen.... that's not what I meant.

Freen:- ( chuckles ) What about the morning ? When do you have to go to the hospital ?

Becky:- I have to start at 8 a.m., so I would not be able to meet you again.

( Becky sighed heavily as she felt depressed, she wanted to spend her morning with her girlfriend )

Freen:- You better go home fast so you can sleep, you need to rest Bec..

Becky:- You should sleep as well.

Freen:- Now that I have heard your voice I think so I will be having the best sleep of my life.

Becky:- Freen !! ( Freen laughs from the other line ) Bye !! I am going now.

( Becky quickly cut the call because she was too flustered after hearing the older woman say that )


Becky was tired and didn't really want to drive to home but she had to, sighing she got inside the car and quickly turned on the ignition. Becky's exhaustion made her drive back to home more complicated than she thought, she was losing her focus, she felt drowsy.

Becky was about to crash her car on a nearby pole but thankfully she hit the brakes at the right time, her anxiety reached its peak. " This is the last time I am driving ". Becky mumbled and tried to calm herself down, there was no one around to help her so she had to pull herself together.

After 40 minutes, Becky parked her brother's car in the garage of their house, searched for any damage caused due to the minor mistake she made before, smiled after finding none.

When she entered her house, Bonbon came running to her, it turns out that Bonbon didn't sleep as he was waiting for his mami. " Aww baby, you were waiting for me ". Becky bent down and petted the little creature who happily licked her hand and then barked a little, responding to his owner.

Becky picked him up from the ground and took him to her room, thinking of letting him sleep in her bed for the night. Becky changed her clothes and felt completely worn out to even wash her face, so she just dragged herself to her bed and slept after setting the alarm for the morning.

The Heart Never ForgetsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz